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Member Since: 15 Feb 2011
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England 2007 Freelander 2 TD4 GS Manual Tonga Green

EYorkshire said "roundabouts with sponsored signs for council revenue".

Interesting fact: Council highways departments have delegated authority to do any road works (to a limit!) they want without the need to gain planning permission. Although this does not stretch to the erection of advertising signs.

So in the vast majority of cases I would guess Councils have not got planning permission for the adverts on the roundabouts thereby breaking planning law. And as such could be open to huge fines. Whistle

But please don't blame me if you have an accident looking at a roundabout advert sign wondering if had planning permission.

Very Happy 2002 Honda VFR800
2002 Toyota Celica 140 Silver (mid life crisis - again!)
2007 FL2 GS Manual Army Reconnaissance Green + sticker Smile
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Post #94040 3rd Mar 2011 1:04 pm
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Member Since: 28 Dec 2010
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United Kingdom 2011 Freelander 2 SD4 GS Auto Ipanema Sand

simont wrote:

But please don't blame me if you have an accident looking at a roundabout advert sign wondering if had planning permission.

Very Happy

Nah, not me, that's a matter for the police Thumbs Up Brian

Extras to same spec as XS apart from the Satnav, plus Xenons.
Ipenema Sand, Ebony.

Post #94042 3rd Mar 2011 1:09 pm
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Member Since: 18 Nov 2010
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simont wrote:
But please don't blame me if you have an accident looking at a roundabout advert sign wondering if had planning permission.
Very Happy

I won't, I'm only human after all Thumbs Up

Post #94043 3rd Mar 2011 1:14 pm
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Member Since: 28 Feb 2010
Location: Mansfield, Notts
Posts: 252

England 2007 Freelander 2 TD4 HSE Manual Sumatra Black

First of all i said like hands free, what i use at work is a Radio which is NOT illegal to use while driving, It is not a Mobile phone. I have a little toggle switch which i can activate with my left hand, without taking my hand of the wheel. Second i don't have a conversation on the radio, my communications last between a one second reply and a few seconds, So no that does not distract me.
S**t does not just happen on the road, I have NEVER been to any Road Traffic collision fatal or not that was not human error.
Like i said before you driver the vehicle you make the choice on how you drive it, but don't moan when you get stopped for doing something wrong. And i hope you are never involved in a Fatal RTC, to find out what total devastation that causes.
Some one told me a saying a while back which i thing is very true " you can tell a man hes got an ugly wife but you cant tell him hes a bad driver"
Boxer your watching to much TV those programs are s**t and not what the job is like at all.

Post #94046 3rd Mar 2011 1:25 pm
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Member Since: 28 Jun 2007
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United Kingdom 

simont wrote:
EYorkshire said "roundabouts with sponsored signs for council revenue".

Interesting fact: Council highways departments have delegated authority to do any road works (to a limit!) they want without the need to gain planning permission. Although this does not stretch to the erection of advertising signs.

So in the vast majority of cases I would guess Councils have not got planning permission for the adverts on the roundabouts thereby breaking planning law. And as such could be open to huge fines. Whistle

But please don't blame me if you have an accident looking at a roundabout advert sign wondering if had planning permission.

Very Happy

I know somebody who put advert on a roundabout, he saw the council ones, Obviously or stupidly never thought the council had actually put it there and thought to himself, what a good idea, if that company can then so can I, got his sign made and banged it in to the roundabout one morning on his way to work

you've guess it got the council round and fined (on what grounds i'm not sure) Rolling with laughter Former Mod/Member, with the most post & Chicken George Arch nemesis

Post #94050 3rd Mar 2011 2:16 pm
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Member Since: 18 Nov 2010
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^ classic Laughing

When I stopped to read them the other day I couldn't believe the verbal abuse and threatening behaviour I was getting from other motorists negotiating the roundabout. Confused

There were no yellow lines and put there for me to read, weren't they Question

Post #94051 3rd Mar 2011 2:35 pm
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Member Since: 12 Oct 2008
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Boxer wrote:
Got to say in my opinion its nothing to do with safety, and all to do with revenue.
The technology exsists to enforce speed on cars, even variable if required, but then there would be no fines.

Was this not being on trial in Leeds a few years ago, I'm sure I heard about it but never what happened about it.

On the speed awareness course I went on they asked all of us why we were speeding, most of the females said it was because they felt they were being pushed along with beg 4x4 drivers, later we were all asked what speeds we were doing by a show of hands, most drivers were around 10 to 15 over the speed limit including the females who the one lowest one was 8mph over, there were only two of us on the course that drove a four wheel drive, me and a guy with an RRS he was done for 35 in a 30 and me for 34 in a 30, we were the two lowest exceeders of the limit.

What Censored me off is the constant lowering of speed limits that seem to have little regard for safety but just to get the revenue, years ago the A102M of which most of is three lanes was 60mph, the downgraded it to the A102 lowered the speed limit to 40 and put up a few cameras, now the same has or is happening to The Westway, it is three lane section which was the A40M and had a 60 limit on it, it was downgraded to an A Road a few years back and made a 50 and now it is going down to 30, Rolling Eyes It is an elevated section with three lanes eastbound and three lanes westbound along with a hard shoulder, concrete walls and a centre reserve Rolling Eyes p****d off with a Digital Keyboard Warrior

Post #94055 3rd Mar 2011 5:48 pm
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Member Since: 21 Sep 2009
Location: Lancaster, Lancashire
Posts: 152

2008 Freelander 2 TD4 HSE Auto Zermatt Silver

I personally am enraged with those driving at 15 or 20 miles an hour in a 30 miles an hour zone. It drives me mad. Breaking every time the road is not a perfect straight, as if their car is going to spin out of control if they maintain their speed. These are most often people in Nissan micras, kias, daewoos, rovers and the rest of the domestic appliances they think are cars.

When I drive I NEVER break, unless there is an emergency. I keep my eyes on the road, and constantly 'read' the conditions, trying to anticipate what is going to happen next. It is called hypermiling and it can be very economical. It is also safer, as it helps you maintain a steady speed, you do not have to accelerate or break, and it keeps you focused on the road, other people's driving in front of you, and the conditions ahead.

I have no problem with speed cameras (my cars have GPS information on where the cameras are), I have a HUGE problem with those who go over the speed limit and just when they see the camera they break like hell! This is dangerous. I NEVER knowingly speed over the limit, especially in populated areas when I deem it is going to put me or others in danger. Yes, I do have my judgement and I use it. I have been trained to drive, and do it well (the fact that I have a racing licence is irrelevant to that, I could hold a normal licence, I would still say the same) because I pay attention on the road and I drive according to the conditions.

I also believe that speed limits are not effective, as modern cars are capable of breaking, cornering and accelerating amazingly well. It is down to the person behind the wheel, and how responsible they are. Unfortunately there are a lot of people who I believe are INCAPABLE of driving, the reason being their age (what is the deal in this country with 90 year old people driving? What sort of eye sight, concentration, reflex and reaction times are they expected to have? ) their attitude (they treat the road as if it is a race track) or plain lack of intellect. I know my remark might sound ageist, elitist or what have you, but this is the truth. Some people drive better than others. I strongly advocate retests every five years or so for ALL drivers, no matter how experienced, responsible or good you think you might be.

Speed does not kill. People who cannot control their car and push it beyond what is physically possible given the road conditions kill.

Sorry for the long post.

Post #94084 4th Mar 2011 2:14 am
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Captain Worm

Member Since: 12 Sep 2010
Location: Solihull
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United Kingdom 2007 Freelander 2 TD4 SE Auto Narvik Black

psyxologos wrote:
I personally am enraged with those driving at 15 or 20 miles an hour in a 30 miles an hour zone. It drives me mad. Breaking every time the road is not a perfect straight, as if their car is going to spin out of control if they maintain their speed. These are most often people in Nissan micras, kias, daewoos, rovers and the rest of the domestic appliances they think are cars.

When I drive I NEVER break, unless there is an emergency. I keep my eyes on the road, and constantly 'read' the conditions, trying to anticipate what is going to happen next. It is called hypermiling and it can be very economical. It is also safer, as it helps you maintain a steady speed, you do not have to accelerate or break, and it keeps you focused on the road, other people's driving in front of you, and the conditions ahead.

I have no problem with speed cameras (my cars have GPS information on where the cameras are), I have a HUGE problem with those who go over the speed limit and just when they see the camera they break like hell! This is dangerous. I admit occasional speeds over the limit, but as a rule these are never in populated areas and NEVER when I deem it is going to put me or others in danger. Yes, I do have my judgement and I use it. I have been trained to drive, and do it well (the fact that I have a racing licence is irrelevant to that, I could hold a normal licence, I would still say the same) because I pay attention on the road and I drive according to the conditions.

I also believe that speed limits are not effective, as modern cars are capable of breaking, cornering and accelerating amazingly well. It is down to the person behind the wheel, and how responsible they are. Unfortunately there are a lot of people who I believe are INCAPABLE of driving, the reason being their age (what is the deal in this country with 90 year old people driving? What sort of eye sight, concentration, reflex and reaction times are they expected to have? ) their attitude (they treat the road as if it is a race track) or plain lack of intellect. I know my remark might sound ageist, elitist or what have you, but this is the truth. Some people drive better than others. I strongly advocate retests every five years or so for ALL drivers, no matter how experienced, responsible or good you think you might be.

Speed does not kill. People who cannot control their car and push it beyond what is physically possible given the road conditions kill.

Sorry for the long post.

Psyxologos, I agree with almost everything you said, right up to the point where you said you do 30 in a 30 and stick at it. If you had said this about A roads with a 50 / 60 mph speed limit or even raods with a 40 speed limit then I'd be with you all away, however in my opinion 30 mph in 30 zone limit is often too fast.

Thw whole point of a 30 zone is that it is residential which means that there are all sorts of hazards lurking around that not even superman with x ray specs can see and for that reason a lone you should drive with caution. I'm not saying do not drive upto the speed allowable by the conditions, but driving just 30 in a 30 no slower / no faster is stupid.

I live on a road with a 30mph speed limit, there is a school not 100yards down the raod, a lot of people have pet cats / dogs (me included, almost all the houses have children who scoot around (sometimes fall off into the road), there are parked cars that you cannot see behind, bends that dissapear into the distance which again you cannot see beyond and many other hazards which I think means that the road should be a 20. However the council actually said that the average speed down the road is less than 26 or something which means it does not warant a 20mph zone. This does not excuse the fact that people still do 30mph (which is far to fast) because they can legally and yet still my cat got squashed dead, i nearly lost my head washing the car and the kids have nearly got run over on more than 1 occasion when trying to cross the road.

Oh and just because you have a racing licence does not mean you can drive on the road... in fact a lot of racing drivers have poor road craft skills.

In summary, I'm all for driving upto and sometimes beyond the speed limit where conditions allow, and it anoys the hell out of me when you get people doing 40 in a 60 and then sticking at 40 when it turns to a 30 through a village (these people oaght to be shot, maimed or at the leasted nicked) and I am all up for increasing the speed limits of good quality roads, however I think you have to accept that a 30mph speed limit is there for a reason and I also think that we should encourage more 20mph zones.

Rant Over! and sorry if I have offened anyone. Freelander 2 TD4 Auto, SE, Narvik Black, Alpaca full leather, Rear Headrest Entertainment System, 6 CD, 18 HSE Wheels, Privicy tints

Post #94095 4th Mar 2011 9:21 am
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Member Since: 16 Dec 2010
Location: West London
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United Kingdom 2010 Freelander 2 TD4 HSE Auto Rimini Red

The Westway 30 is a temp limit being put in place for roadworks. As the road is now lacking correct signs some argue the actual limit is now 70, not that I would risk it!
BTW I am constantly amused by the high number of drivers on this site who profess to be near perfect....... Upgraded to an ex demo, 7 mth old, Rimini Red/Ebony Napoli Auto HSE on 28th Jan 2011, added roof rails, mudflaps and side strips.
Gone - A great 57 Plate, Auto SE, Bought Feb 2009, Roof Rails and Mudflaps added on purchase. Blue colour, anything but drug dealer black.....

Post #94123 4th Mar 2011 1:30 pm
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Member Since: 18 Nov 2010
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julytourist wrote:
BTW I am constantly amused by the high number of drivers on this site who profess to be near perfect.......

Me too, I am human and throughout my life mistakes have been made, I have corrected them where possible and endeavoured not to repeat them but I draw the line at a perfection implant, which some have obviously had done.

Post #94125 4th Mar 2011 2:01 pm
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Member Since: 26 Dec 2009
Location: S Wales
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Wales 2007 Freelander 2 TD4 GS Manual Zermatt Silver

EYorkshire wrote:
julytourist wrote:
BTW I am constantly amused by the high number of drivers on this site who profess to be near perfect.......

Me too, I am human and throughout my life mistakes have been made, I have corrected them where possible and endeavoured not to repeat them but I draw the line at a perfection implant, which some have obviously had done.

I had it done, but my body rejected it. Thumbs Up Don't put petrol in a diesel. They don't run well.

Post #94128 4th Mar 2011 2:16 pm
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Member Since: 28 Jun 2007
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United Kingdom 


i never say that i am right, just that you lot are wrong Whistle Former Mod/Member, with the most post & Chicken George Arch nemesis

Post #94130 4th Mar 2011 2:22 pm
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Member Since: 28 Feb 2010
Location: Mansfield, Notts
Posts: 252

England 2007 Freelander 2 TD4 HSE Manual Sumatra Black

Captain Worm wrote:
psyxologos wrote:
I personally am enraged with those driving at 15 or 20 miles an hour in a 30 miles an hour zone. It drives me mad. Breaking every time the road is not a perfect straight, as if their car is going to spin out of control if they maintain their speed. These are most often people in Nissan micras, kias, daewoos, rovers and the rest of the domestic appliances they think are cars.

When I drive I NEVER break, unless there is an emergency. I keep my eyes on the road, and constantly 'read' the conditions, trying to anticipate what is going to happen next. It is called hypermiling and it can be very economical. It is also safer, as it helps you maintain a steady speed, you do not have to accelerate or break, and it keeps you focused on the road, other people's driving in front of you, and the conditions ahead.

I have no problem with speed cameras (my cars have GPS information on where the cameras are), I have a HUGE problem with those who go over the speed limit and just when they see the camera they break like hell! This is dangerous. I admit occasional speeds over the limit, but as a rule these are never in populated areas and NEVER when I deem it is going to put me or others in danger. Yes, I do have my judgement and I use it. I have been trained to drive, and do it well (the fact that I have a racing licence is irrelevant to that, I could hold a normal licence, I would still say the same) because I pay attention on the road and I drive according to the conditions.

I also believe that speed limits are not effective, as modern cars are capable of breaking, cornering and accelerating amazingly well. It is down to the person behind the wheel, and how responsible they are. Unfortunately there are a lot of people who I believe are INCAPABLE of driving, the reason being their age (what is the deal in this country with 90 year old people driving? What sort of eye sight, concentration, reflex and reaction times are they expected to have? ) their attitude (they treat the road as if it is a race track) or plain lack of intellect. I know my remark might sound ageist, elitist or what have you, but this is the truth. Some people drive better than others. I strongly advocate retests every five years or so for ALL drivers, no matter how experienced, responsible or good you think you might be.

Speed does not kill. People who cannot control their car and push it beyond what is physically possible given the road conditions kill.

Sorry for the long post.

Psyxologos, I agree with almost everything you said, right up to the point where you said you do 30 in a 30 and stick at it. If you had said this about A roads with a 50 / 60 mph speed limit or even roads with a 40 speed limit then I'd be with you all away, however in my opinion 30 mph in 30 zone limit is often too fast.

Thw whole point of a 30 zone is that it is residential which means that there are all sorts of hazards lurking around that not even superman with x ray specs can see and for that reason a lone you should drive with caution. I'm not saying do not drive up-to the speed allowable by the conditions, but driving just 30 in a 30 no slower / no faster is stupid.

I live on a road with a 30mph speed limit, there is a school not 100yards down the road, a lot of people have pet cats / dogs (me included, almost all the houses have children who scoot around (sometimes fall off into the road), there are parked cars that you cannot see behind, bends that dissapear into the distance which again you cannot see beyond and many other hazards which I think means that the road should be a 20. However the council actually said that the average speed down the road is less than 26 or something which means it does not warant a 20mph zone. This does not excuse the fact that people still do 30mph (which is far to fast) because they can legally and yet still my cat got squashed dead, i nearly lost my head washing the car and the kids have nearly got run over on more than 1 occasion when trying to cross the road.

Oh and just because you have a racing licence does not mean you can drive on the road... in fact a lot of racing drivers have poor road craft skills.

In summary, I'm all for driving up-to and sometimes beyond the speed limit where conditions allow, and it anoys the hell out of me when you get people doing 40 in a 60 and then sticking at 40 when it turns to a 30 through a village (these people oaght to be shot, maimed or at the leasted nicked) and I am all up for increasing the speed limits of good quality roads, however I think you have to accept that a 30mph speed limit is there for a reason and I also think that we should encourage more 20mph zones.

Rant Over! and sorry if I have offened anyone.

I believe that the main reason speed limits are not increased and i don't mean 30 MPH zones i am talking about the national (60 MPH) and the motorway speed limit is the fact the drivers exceed the speed limit now. If you increased the speed limit from 70 MPH to 80 MPH alot of drivers would do 90 MPH, if you increased it to 90 MPH they would do 100 MPH and so on. I have ssen many cars involved in RTC's at 70 to 80 MPH and there is not much left. I fully agree about people driver at far below the speed limit, this causes problems and safety issues for the following driver as they ind-ever to get past the slow moving traffic. I also come into contact with a great many elderly drivers 70 years plus, and some are still very competent drivers but there are a great many who IMO should not be on our roads. I believe that at a certain age around 65,a yearly medical and eye test should be brought in. I also believe that every 2-3 years they should take a driving type test to see if they are still fit to drive. There are also problems with young drivers, i think 17 is to young to drive a car on the road. And that our driving test is far to easy ( no motorway exam or input) I would also restrict the times they can drive between and the amount of passengers they can carry for a few years. but my biggest change would be restricting the engine size of vehicle they can drive ie. No more than a 1 ltr normally aspirated engine for 2 years and then build it up from there.
These are just my ideas on the matter what do you all think would help sort the problem ?

Post #94132 4th Mar 2011 2:39 pm
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Member Since: 24 Nov 2010
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A Drivers Licence is NOT a right, it is a privilige. Personally, the more draconian the punishment, the better the compliance with the road traffic laws.

Yes to yearly tests for everyone, yes to instant disqualification for careless or reckless driving and other offences, yes to confiscation of a vehicle as we have now, but widen the powers to cover more offences. Unfortunately, it's the only way you are ever going to get a reduction in RTC and injuries.

A ponit of interest, but every fatal road accident cost the state a minimum of a million quid all told, including public services, forgetting the grief and personal tragedy for a moment. A sobering thourght so those of us that consider we could never kill anyone else by speed or carelessness.

Post #94138 4th Mar 2011 3:51 pm
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