Member Since: 07 Jan 2024
Location: Copenhagen
Posts: 161

And the Ugly:
Right, so it came off in the end.
Here is how:
1/ Take off the battery poles.
2/ Take off left hand head light for extra support of sticking an arm through, if need be.
3/ Underneath the car, take off the front tow eye cover and put aside.
4/ The next bigger black plastic cover that surrounds the front tow eye, is secured with 4 small bolts on top of it. Remove them and tilt the big black plastic cover a bit forward/upward to gain extra room.
5/ Sitting under the car in the front, looking towards the back of the car, look up and there's a horizontal coolant tube along the lower front edge of the engine. On it's right end, seen from the front, is the offending hose that can or will leak/split. Part no. LR005564.
6/ That lower end of the hose are connected with a normal hose clip (thank you!). Loosen that and drain into a bucket, apprx. 3 - 5 Liter of coolant. Mine drained exactly 5 Liter.
7/ Follow the hose upwards, and it ends in a plastic Y. On it's left side it goes into a fitting on the engine (coolant pump?). It's secured with a round light grey plastic ring. Spray a bit of wd40 or teflon triflow on to that and let it sit. In theory, it should be just turned a bit and pulled off, but it may not, so:
8/ On the right hand of the Y, is a black plastic fitting. It is secured with a thin metal wire clamp a bit like a Z. This is removed coming down from up top, so use a small screwdriver or your finger and lift up that thin metal Z clamp. There is a small raised part on the middle of the top of said metal clip, that makes it real easy. A finger will do to lift it. Then you can in theory pull the next black hose on the right, to the ... right, and separate the two. It can be stuck though. And in that case, remove the Z clamp by lifting more and twist it a bit, so it comes off. Hold on, as it may fly.
9/ Remove air filter box cover and put aside. Remember to first unplug the electrical connector of that cover.
10/ Underneath the car, that big black plastic intake tubing (from the airbox), leads down and into the rear of the intake manifold, that starts with the throttle valve. There is a big metal clamp like the one between the airbox and the top of that same intake hose. Use a cable driven clamping tool (dead cheap) to loosen by clamping it tight, then wiggle the whole intake hose a bit and it comes loose of comes off. Remove it upwards and put aside.
11/ Now you have a bit of access to the Y connectors - the grey ring type one and the black with the metal Z clip one.
12/ Do the black plastic with the metal clip first. You'll see why in a moment. Start with taking a small flat screwdriver if the hoses cannot come apart, and insert it from above where the two plastic edges meet: the male and the female parts. Carefully, without force, wiggle it in a bit and turn it ever so slightly, so that the two hoses begin to come apart. Then go to a little bit bigger flat blade screwdriver and repeat. Then a bigger one. You will now have aprx. a 3mm gap, but it may still be stuck. In that case:
13/ Spray a bit of wd40 or teflon triflow into the separation between the two - that is the gap you have managed to make. Let it work a minute. Then wiggle the hose of the right hand side around and it may come apart. If not:
14/ Spray a bit more and wiggle more. It will separate.
15/ With the bottom connection and the top right side connection now undone, the thin grey plastic ring on the last connector, can be attacked, by trying to grap the ring with fingers or a polygrip of some sort, but usually there is not enough room, so:
16/ Because you have first undone the bottom connection and then the right side top black connection, you can now simply hold the hose firmly and turn it clockwise (seen from the front of the car). Then back and forth a few times. This will loosen the grey plastic ring, and by turning it a bit more clockwise, it reaches a position, where you can easily pull the whole hose off. Reinstallation is the exact same procedure, just reversed.
17/ Job done. Have a cup of tea and enjoy the Land Rover warehouse re-organising.
18/ When you have new parts, give them a bit of silicone grease on all the plastic fittings, so they wont get stuck so easily.
19/ refill the coolant and take a trip, enjoying your Land Rover Freelander 2 i6 3,2Liter petrol, because it's a pretty capable car.
This is actually an easy to do way, of removing that hose, if it's stuck. No brute force nor big hammers are needed.
Note: Looking at the grey plastic ring on the top left side of that hose, it has two protruding thin grey "wings". Do NOT grab those, they will break. THey are there to lock it, not for installation/removal. Only use the ring as means of removal and installation. But the method I described is by far the easier.
Edit: spelling errors and further text applied for clarification.
Last edited by Redfox on 25th Nov 2024 10:15 pm. Edited 6 times in total