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Member Since: 19 Sep 2014
Location: Swellendam
Posts: 9

South Africa 2009 Freelander 2 TD4 SE Auto Orkney Grey
engine stops after 2 seconds

Anyone has an idea what this could be:
- engine starts without any problems
- after 2 seconds it stops (doesn't matter if engine is cold or warm)
- if I start it again all is fine
- not sure if it has anything to do with it but timing belt was done 500 miles ago and I changed the battery last month
- it's a TD4 2009 with 140k miles on the clock
Thanks for your thoughts !

Post #403675 4th Feb 2021 2:01 pm
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Member Since: 16 Jun 2012
Location: Sheffield
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2007 Freelander 2 TD4 HSE Auto Stornoway Grey

Stab in the dark here but fuel filter ?

Post #403677 4th Feb 2021 2:31 pm
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Member Since: 10 Aug 2013
Location: Bournemouth
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United Kingdom 2010 Freelander 2 TD4_e S Manual Santorini Black

Mine's been doing that for ages! Completely random, though usually when starting from cold.

I don't know if it's related to my other issue of the key not docking properly and then not wanting to eject properly when I switch off.

Post #403681 4th Feb 2021 3:12 pm
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Member Since: 22 Jul 2020
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United Kingdom 2007 Freelander 2 TD4 SE Manual Barolo Black

not sure about the shutting off - but the key issue, is it an old one with the paint wore off etc? I noticed ours was doing the same - just didnt feel smooth anymore and i had to pull it out at times. Totally unrelated i got the spare key up and runnign again - that dodgy battery connection sorted. Anyway it now works 100% fine.

I did get a new cover from ebay or amazon but the key retaining tab was weak and broke before i even got the thing apart to use! I managed to open mine with no real damage by squeezing it ( length ways - multiple points) just enough in a vice to break the seal
hope that helps. Stewart
2007 Freelander 2 SE TD4
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Post #403704 5th Feb 2021 8:23 am
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Member Since: 10 Jan 2017
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United Kingdom 2012 Freelander 2 SD4 XS Auto Santorini Black

willem63 I had something similar to this last year my 09 plate would not start 1st attempt but would start 2nd attempt and run fine this went on for a week then I replaced the MAF sensor and it went back to normal just an idea to try 2009 FL2 S now gone
2012 FL2 XS AUTO
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Post #403707 5th Feb 2021 9:37 am
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Member Since: 31 Oct 2017
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Scotland 2010 Freelander 2 TD4_e GS Manual Zermatt Silver

In cold weather mine also does that dip in revs shortly after firing up, but it nearly always catches itself just before it stalls. A couple of times it has let me get out and start scraping the windscreen before deciding to stall, but it is very rare. It's done it as long as I have had the vehicle and through two cycles of replacement fuel filter at service and one replacement battery. I've always assumed that the software is doing something clever around that point when the engine is warming up, heater plugs are cooling down etc. and that at times it simply doesn't quite get it right. I do find that all these minor glitches seem to occur much less often if I boot-up the system before going for ignition. 2005 D3 2.7 Auto
2010 MY FL2 TD4e GS - Now gone at 199,500 miles, about 135,000 of them mine.
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Post #403722 5th Feb 2021 11:47 am
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Member Since: 15 Jul 2020
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United Kingdom 2009 Freelander 2 TD4 SE Manual Rimini Red

Mine also dips out momentarily after it first starts. This was a pain when the engine was broken, but now its running mostly ok, it doesn't stall. Hyundai Ioniq 5 Ultimate. The family car.
2009 Rimini Red SE TD4. Gone.
2006 Tonga Green i6 HSE. Gone.
Audi A5 convertible, my daily driver.
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Post #403733 5th Feb 2021 1:47 pm
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Member Since: 19 Sep 2014
Location: Swellendam
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South Africa 2009 Freelander 2 TD4 SE Auto Orkney Grey

SWalker wrote:
not sure about the shutting off - but the key issue, is it an old one with the paint wore off etc? I noticed ours was doing the same - just didnt feel smooth anymore and i had to pull it out at times. Totally unrelated i got the spare key up and runnign again - that dodgy battery connection sorted. Anyway it now works 100% fine.

I did get a new cover from ebay or amazon but the key retaining tab was weak and broke before i even got the thing apart to use! I managed to open mine with no real damage by squeezing it ( length ways - multiple points) just enough in a vice to break the seal
hope that helps.

Will try the spare key,. The one I use is about 4 years old. Noticed that when the engine cuts out the immobiliser light switches on. Could be stanadrd procedure but can also indicate a key problem.

Post #403771 6th Feb 2021 8:47 am
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Member Since: 19 Sep 2014
Location: Swellendam
Posts: 9

South Africa 2009 Freelander 2 TD4 SE Auto Orkney Grey

Worms wrote:
In cold weather mine also does that dip in revs shortly after firing up, but it nearly always catches itself just before it stalls. A couple of times it has let me get out and start scraping the windscreen before deciding to stall, but it is very rare. It's done it as long as I have had the vehicle and through two cycles of replacement fuel filter at service and one replacement battery. I've always assumed that the software is doing something clever around that point when the engine is warming up, heater plugs are cooling down etc. and that at times it simply doesn't quite get it right. I do find that all these minor glitches seem to occur much less often if I boot-up the system before going for ignition.

Thanks Worms, not sure if it is the cold. We had 32 on the clock yesterday here i SA and also a while ago since I scraped the wiindscreen. Will try to give it a few secs between booting up and starting, let's see if that helps

Post #403772 6th Feb 2021 8:50 am
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Member Since: 19 Sep 2014
Location: Swellendam
Posts: 9

South Africa 2009 Freelander 2 TD4 SE Auto Orkney Grey

robblue wrote:
willem63 I had something similar to this last year my 09 plate would not start 1st attempt but would start 2nd attempt and run fine this went on for a week then I replaced the MAF sensor and it went back to normal just an idea to try

Good and simple one Robblue, will try

Post #403773 6th Feb 2021 8:51 am
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Member Since: 30 Apr 2018
Location: Kempton Park
Posts: 15

South Africa 2010 Freelander 2 TD4 SE Auto Stornoway Grey

Hi Willem, I have exactly the same issue with the engine cutting out directly or soon after starting. It started about two years ago - twice within a month, and then nothing for the next 2 years. It has now re-surfaced again, 5 times in 2 months. I don't use the car every day. Sometimes it dies directly after starting. I normally reverse out of the garage without using throttle, select drive at the end of the driveway, and idle towards the main gate which is only 30 metres away. It has died at the gate about 4 times. It takes about 15 seconds to get to the gate. It re-starts normally. It has only ever died once in the traffic after an extended idle at a long phased traffic light. At every other time it dies immediately after starting, once after about 2 secs after engaging reverse, the rest after about 15 secs. Each time at idle. An important point I noticed today when opening the windows from inside without starting the car: Put in the key fob, press the start button without my foot on the brake. All the normal dash lights came on and then went out immediately. the only light remaining is the 'key docked' light. No Immobiliser light. Thinking back, the dash lights remain off after the engine cuts, indicating the engine hasn't stalled. The connection is simply 'lost', but I don't know which connection? My gut feel is the ignition module that takes the key fob. So the relationship between the engine cutting only at idle or after start, and the ignition cutting even without the engine running is confusing.

My OBDII shows code P1259 and P061B. But I read on the OBDII site is that code P1259 is generic - there is no code P1259 for a Land Rover.
The slight dip after starting from cold has been there since new, but it has never died from that. This cutting out of the engine is something new - there is a loss of signal somewhere. The LRUK forum has one report of exactly the same thing.
Willem, as you are in SA as well, you can contact me on 0832996083.

Anyone with more input please? I am just fearing a dead car way out in the sticks.

Post #403989 12th Feb 2021 1:49 pm
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Member Since: 12 Mar 2009
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I read on the OBDII site is that code P1259 is generic - there is no code P1259 for a Land Rover

No, really... Very Happy
Read here:

P1259 Immobilizer to powertrain control module signal error
Which is consistent with the engine cutting out.

P061B Internal control module torque calculation performance
Also consistent with an engine cutting out, although it can appear on various other occasions.

IMHO, the sequence of events was: P1259 -> Engine off -> P061B

Post #403999 12th Feb 2021 7:55 pm
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Member Since: 30 Apr 2018
Location: Kempton Park
Posts: 15

South Africa 2010 Freelander 2 TD4 SE Auto Stornoway Grey

Thanks Alex - Yes, you are exactly right. Fault codes P1259 and P061B appear on the diagnostics printout from my friendly Land Rover Mechanic.
I have ordered the ignition control module but haven't received it yet. The module where the key fob slides into.
Now I am seeing some posts where there is a Land Rover bulletin available for this and it seems it needs to be reprogrammed on the Agent's diagnostics?
I will go and speak to them today.
Or just replace the module?

Post #404094 15th Feb 2021 7:41 am
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Member Since: 30 Apr 2018
Location: Kempton Park
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South Africa 2010 Freelander 2 TD4 SE Auto Stornoway Grey

Just a quick update: I went to the Land Rover dealer closest to home. As always there is a constant turnover of Service Managers. The latest guy was young and extremely helpfull. He was also very clued up on the FL2. After 90 minutes of discussion in front of the manufacturer troubleshooting procedues, it does seem that the P1259 error would most likely be generated by the Central Junction Box (CJB). This box gives the feeds to the main engine ECU as well as the Start Control Module (the box that the key fob slides into). The clue that makes all the difference is that the dash lights go off when the engine cuts - and that cannot be caused by the Start Control Module.
The fix seems to revolve around checking for wiring faults, and also a software update which is basically a refresh of the whole system.
They recommended that I should access the CJB (also sometimes known as the Body Control Unit) behind the glove box, remove and clean all the plugs of which there are quite a few, and do the same to the main ECU which sits between the engiine and the body firewall. Access is below the wipers. Once that is done, I should take it in for the software reload.
They are a very large agency, and according to their records the Start Control Modules are not problematic - starting or engine cuts mostly lie elsewhere. I have cancelled my order for the Starting Module as it is accepting and rejecting the key fob smoothly.
As a side note, I did have lengthy issues with the key fobs and starting, until I added the additional earth wire between the Battery and Starter bolt. No more issues after that.
Hope this helps, and any further prompts will be great.

Post #404205 17th Feb 2021 1:07 pm
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Member Since: 04 Dec 2019
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England 2015 Freelander 2 SD4 Metropolis LE Auto Santorini Black

Had this problem on my wifes VW, it turned out to be the immobiliser so I had it deleted from the ECU, problem sorted.

Post #404209 17th Feb 2021 2:10 pm
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