Member Since: 09 Dec 2009
Location: Manchester
Posts: 2187

Thanks Steve,
Gill is pain free most of the time, and when she is not it is usually because she has over exerted herself, we are busying ourselves ticking off stuff on her bucket list - which seems to be getting longer
We know we are now on borrowed time (given weeks / short months 11 weeks ago), but are trying our best to make the best of our time left together, strangely we have argued more in the last 11 weeks than in the previous 39 years, I can only put it down to Gills medication, lack of sleep and our stress levels.
As long as the steroids hold out Gill should be mobile - thank goodness the seats in the DS are comfy and recline way back as her swollen abdomen gets worse as the day goes on.
Work has dried up at the right time, taking a couple of months off now seems right - the advantage of being a contractor, is that you don't just get 21 days holiday, you get as many as you can afford.
The loonies on here (and the sane ones as well) are a blessing, taking me into a little bubble of friends every day, talking shop about Land Rovers, and nonsense unrelated - F1 anybody
Daft stuff on the bucket list - we bought an inflatable dinghy and outboard a couple of weeks ago - why, because Gill has always wanted a boat - we live miles from the sea, it's going to go well with the fishermen and narrow boats on our local canal Tangiers Orange - gone, missing her
Replaced by Ewok what a mistake - now a happy Disco Sport owner
31st Aug 2020 8:36 pm |