Member Since: 22 Feb 2018
Location: North Yorkshire
Posts: 29

Interesting, thanks.
As explained, the car allegedly had a new clutch, DMF and slave only 12,000 miles ago. The gearbox had to be replaced under a 30 day warranty from the garage I bought the car from because it had been a Cat N with offside wing and front wheel damage. It turned out that the impact on the wheel had broken the diff in the gearbox and it was only driving one front wheel, which of course was then being rejected and it sent all the power to the back wheels with various nasty clanking noises.
It took the garage ages to find the problem. They swopped out the Haldex, rear diff, front drive shafts until it became clear the gearbox/diff was at fault. As an independent, they had to buy a replacement box and could only source one stop start 'box from a salvage yard. They fitted it, and then had to cure a drive shaft leak. That's when I paid them to replace the clutch/DMF/Slave because it made absolute sense to.
As of today, two years and 12,000 miles on, my mechanic cannot find and external leak anywhere. He bleed the system, came back into the workshop this morning, and there is no clutch pedal again. So, the gearbox has to come off, as he suspects the slave has failed.
The cynic in me wonders whether the garage off set their gearbox liability by pocketing the clutch payment, and leaving the old one in there. There will be legal action if that proves to be the case.
15th Jan 2020 6:26 pm |