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Member Since: 02 May 2017
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 2

Reduced Engine Performance - spark plugs?

Hi, thanks in advance for the advice.

We've had our 2009 Freelander 2 6 cylinder petrol since the start of the year. Towards the end of the statutory warranty we had a Reduced Engine Performance error, the dealer had the coil pack and a spark plug replaced as the engine was only firing 5 of the 6 cylinders - basically a rumbling in the engine at idling and low speed. The car is due an 80,000km service (we purchased the car at 78K it is now at 81K, last serviced around 70K 9 or so months before we purchased), but we've received conflicting advice about what this entails. The dealer's preferred mechanic claims the spark plugs need replacing, while another shop claims an 80,000K service isn't major and the plugs don't need replacing until around 120K.

Looking at the service info: it claims plugs need changing at 75K and 150K miles (not km), yet towards the bottom it might suggest plugs on the petrol need replacing every 45K miles so in that case we'd be close to 10K km over, assuming these weren't changed at the cars most recent service (vehicle started out service by LR for the first 5 years or so then generic shop service in Sydney for the last few).

I'm hoping this issue is simply another spark plug gone and we'll replace the remaining 5 plugs. Is there anything else to be concerned about?

Car has been amazing otherwise so I'm hoping this will be an easy service and good to go.


Post #322749 2nd May 2017 8:04 pm
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Member Since: 06 Dec 2011
Location: USA
Posts: 1271

United States 2008 Freelander 2 i6 SE Auto Tambora Flame


Lots of diesel owners on this forum (which is likely why you didn't get a reply sooner)

For my 3.2L 6 cylinder I did the following

Around 50,000 miles I changed the spark plugs to

Denso (5344) IKH20 Iridium Power Spark Plug

Again around 100,000 miles I changed the plugs again to the same plug

I checked the Gap but I think it was correct and I didn't have to adjust the plugs

My only tips are

- make sure the engine is cold
- be careful removing the electrical connections
- remove one connection and coil pack at a time (I think two of the cylinders could be mixed up if your not careful)
- get a sparkplug socket with a rubber o-ring or magnet to lift out the old plug
- carefully install the new plugs by turning the extension by hand
- torque to spec using a torque wrench

It doesn't take long and it isn't very difficult and the plugs aren't very expensive

As for the interval to change I think that 10,000 miles is too little and 100,000 miles is too much, somewhere in between

I wouldn't worry at all about 55,000 miles vs 50,000 miles

One last comment I decided to change my plugs at 50,000 miles based on what I've read on the Volvo forums.

Also based on the Volvo forum (and Volvo's recommendation) I am not going to change my accessory drive belt until 150,000 miles. Possibly sooner if it shows signs of wear. But I don't see any cracking and I'm at 109,000 miles

Good Luck


Post #322844 3rd May 2017 7:13 pm
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Member Since: 02 May 2017
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 2


Thanks for the considered reply Paul. I did look into the spark plug replacement but have instead sent it in for a full service. I don't know how well the car was maintained for the KM before we purchased - it had a decent number of Land Rover stamps in the service book but the last 30,000km or so has been handled by a range of different shops. Figured they can change all the oils, new plugs and what ever else and we should be good to go. So long as they don't uncover any other issues...

Good advice about the Volvo forum given the shared engine. Interestingly when I purchased the Freelander 2 it was down to either it or a Volvo XC60 or 70 - I wasn't even aware at the time that the FL2 is based off the same engine platform.

Amazing car other than this maintenance issue. Insanely comfortable interior, drives well, and doesn't feel to big on the road. As much as I love the equivalent 2006-2012ish Range Rovers, the FL2 is the far more practical vehicle for my needs.

Thanks again for the advice!

Post #322855 4th May 2017 1:41 am
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