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chicken george

Member Since: 05 Dec 2007
Location: N. Yorks
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United Kingdom 2008 Freelander 2 TD4 XS Manual Santorini Black

Andy131 wrote:
For once I agree with CG

Speed (lets say 15mph) is your friend, and those with low range will call you foolish.
in ruts keep one wheel in the center an one on the embankment - this can sometimes be a little scary, but after you have ripped out a couple of sidewalls on nearly new AT2's you will wish you had.

The instructor at Cheshire LR experience had a laugh when he first saw my driving style and pointed out that their course was no where near as bad as some that I had obviously been "playing "on. Not that it was wrong, just not necessary on their course.

er thanks your the confidence vote Laughing vaners always come round to my way of thinking

If its smoother and more comfortable then it is the correct way, the difficulties come if one axle slips into the tramline ruts as next thing your a 90 degrees to the road direction,. especially if the ruts are caused by somethinfg with a bigger track width than your motor.
Our defender could get in terrible difficulties going down rough tracks created by tractors if it had rained an the top was slippy At work
At home

"I can't always believe facts I read on the web" - Charles Dickens

winner by default of the tractor vs caravan race

Post #312486 2nd Dec 2016 9:04 am
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Member Since: 20 Jul 2013
Location: Dorset
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United Kingdom 2014 Freelander 2 SD4 XS Auto Loire Blue

I have discovered that my wife is very keen on the TV programme "Ice Road Truckers" - probably since one of the drivers is a woman. Driving a 40 tonner across a frozen lake is serious off roading. 3 x FL1 2 manual + 1 auto
5 x FL2 4 manual + 1 auto
Now Discovery Sport P250 MHEV SE

Post #312493 2nd Dec 2016 9:53 am
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Member Since: 07 Sep 2016
Location: Derbyshire
Posts: 34

United Kingdom 2011 Freelander 2 SD4 HSE Auto Sumatra Black

I was always a firm believer that you had to have a manual box with low range to do anything serious off-road - then my partner got me a driving day in the Lakes with the Kankku guys (bright orange 4x4s based in Windermere). We did the full day extreme experience which although they led us in a fully sorted Defender we all followed in short wheel based Shoguns (mid 90s vintage i think). These were all autos which caused me to raise an eyebrow! However I was pleasantly surprised as to how capable and controllable they were using both feet to drive as instructed both up and down hill therefore overcoming the issue of the torque convertor either being overcome (and hence lurching to a stop) or running away with you. Effectively you are 'driving through the brakes' regardless of terrain and it becomes possible to control the car to be inch perfect even over some massive rock steps on a near 45 degree incline.

Admittedly we also used low ratio but I suspect that this was more to control a bunch of amateurs of very mixed capability from getting ahead of themselves. I elected not to engage low ratio on a few occasions and the car behaved perfectly well - if a little quick at times. I was impressed by the Shoguns but more impressed by the controllability of the the autobox so much so that when it came to buying my FL2 (after three years of a manual Evoque as a company car) I went for the auto based on this experience (and comments on this forum).

Absolutely the right decision and loving the car. Not managed any recreational off roading yet but have had to use the car to tow a trailer of rocks weighing about a ton up a muddy rocky incline of about 40 degrees and then across rutted muddy grass and then back again. Did this four or five times in the same day in the rain so the track was getting into a right state - have to say that the car did exactly everything I asked of it and at times it was hard to realise I was towing a dead weight - having the auto box was definitely a boon.

Happy days!

Post #312495 2nd Dec 2016 10:16 am
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Member Since: 21 Aug 2014
Location: Sydney Northern Beaches
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Ukraine 2013 Freelander 2 2.0T SE Auto Fuji White

taztastic wrote:
No need to ride the clutch, the manual models are fitted with anti stall mechanisms, crawl along and leave the clutch alone let the car do the work, if if feels like it is going to stall, it won't, at that point apply a bit more power.
The better option, of course, get an auto.

Sounds good for Sydney traffic & the steep terrane in my area. Procrastination, mankind's greatest labour saving device!

Acoustic insulation ARB TPMS 3xARB air compressors After cooler Air tank On-board OCD pressure air/water cleaning Additional 50L fuel Carpet in doors ABE 2x1kg Waeco 28L modified fridge Battery 4x26ah Solar 120w Victron MPPT 100/20 DC-DC 18amps 175amp jumper plug Awning 6x255/60R18

Post #312790 7th Dec 2016 2:17 pm
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Yorky Bob

Member Since: 28 Apr 2015
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United Kingdom 2013 Freelander 2 TD4 GS Manual Firenze Red

taztastic wrote:
No need to ride the clutch, the manual models are fitted with anti stall mechanisms, crawl along and leave the clutch alone let the car do the work, if if feels like it is going to stall, it won't, at that point apply a bit more power.
The better option, of course, get an auto.

Was that in a particular gear taztastic ? FL2 MY10 TD4 GS traded in at 2 years
FL2 MY13 TD4 GS Current

Post #312791 7th Dec 2016 2:21 pm
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