Member Since: 28 Jun 2007
Location: Ls25
Posts: 20092
my mates did it a couple of years back, they said the route was quite well walked and nothing too taxing under foot when trying to talk me into walking
they wore walking shoes, walking trainers and a couple wore walking boots.... I chose to stay at home as I could not drive it
they were all active people, riding bikes, walking dogs, going to the gym and they all did it with just the old bit of cramp and blisters
training wise, I would say lots of walking and cardio work at the gym and a healthly diet and build up the carbs or whatever you need the few days before
or course your doing it for charity, so you could sit on your backside with a xbox, go out to the pub the night before and people will still donate whether you complete it or not, I think a suitable drop out point will be near the pub on the route Former Mod/Member, with the most post & Chicken George Arch nemesis
15th Jan 2013 2:25 pm |