Member Since: 18 Aug 2019
Location: kent
Posts: 28

Not been on here a while as I have been doing quite a bit of can bus stuff to the jag, however thats gotten to a decent point now, so began on the freelander again.
just a bit of info for those that may not of seen the original post, but I have a raspberry pi and touchscreen running inplace of the factory sat nav. And then open auto pro loaded onto the pi, this then gives you the proper android auto experience.
First thing I am looking to tackle is to get a visual parking aid app created. In the jag I have an app that has allowed me to replace the climate controls with a touch screen, and then moving the old physical controls to the app and sending the messages over can bus. For the freelander due to the lovely amount of space and the basicness of the sat nav this isnt needed, so in theory this app should be much more simple as its only reading from the can.
So I have figured out the can id (188) and also I believe which byte relates to which corner, and then today got the first test done with the app just running in a web browser. Sorry for the lack of light in the video but its almost there in terms of functionality, I need to stabilize the readings abit (or this may be due to me using my legs to set off the sensors) and I need to do some work on the visuals.
the way the app will work is similar to how it works on my jag, so if you go in reverse the sensors come on, but the pi will display the reversing camera, if you disable to camera, or put (or have) the sensors on when not in reverse then it will show the app instead, the switching will be all automatic using existing can bus messages.
For those interested, this is the latest video of the jag so you have some idea of how it all works, also have a couple of tutorials on my channel and here www.moderndaymods.com its all open source and the parking app can be found here, its needs updating, but will keep it going through development https://github.com/rhysmorgan134/freelander2-PDC .
(the colours are off in this video, its not purple )
26th Dec 2019 9:41 pm |