Member Since: 11 Aug 2015
Location: Florida
Posts: 1
2008 LR2 Won't start periodically, steering lock | |
For the last year my 2008 LR2 won't start periodically. When it first happened I bought a new battery, then a new starter, as recommended by Land Rover Dealership, even though I didn't think it was the starter, as it made zero sound. The episodes of not starting are becoming more frequent, I have to open the bonnet and reset ECU by touching pos to neg each time, then it starts normal for several times before doing it again. On dash it says steering lock, but the steering wheel is not locked. I see on forums where this is a common problem, but nobody has a firm solution. I was told by a local small business LR tech that there is a bypass for the steering module that will fix this????? Anyone have a clue about the real problem and best way to go about repair that is not too expensive? Thanks, John in Florida, USA
11th Aug 2015 4:11 pm |