Member Since: 10 Oct 2016
Location: romney marsh kent
Posts: 400

addition to above,going into RCV landrover on thurs 30th for the whole lot to be sorted dmf/clutch assy slave cylinder £1300 all in with 12 m warranty on parts and labour,will report when done.
ref RAC GOLD WARRANTY,this was given to me by dealer,which helped swmbo and me to decide to buy the car.i phoned RAC who are actually TWG INSURANCE,they said it was not covered,car had done 104k when we bought it in nov 16(it now on 107k)reason is you cant have gold cover after 100k!also it will prob be put down to wear and tear,(why am I not surprised).
so it seems my next step is with the garage I bought it from in November 16.
spoke to the guy yesterday morning, and he said the rac advisors advice is wrong(but it was in their terms/conditions ref the 100k)it seems he knows someone high up,and he would have a word with the "rep" .now over 24 hours still no word, car still going in to rcv,looks like I may have to take advice ?.the rep will be calling me on Thursday,i wait with constipation,no no xx sorry I meant trepidation or even anticipation.
the area manager called and said it was ok to take it to RCV so that's good news so far.
Last edited by rnlisg on 3rd Apr 2017 4:12 pm. Edited 2 times in total
21st Mar 2017 11:27 am |