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Member Since: 18 Nov 2010
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Years ago just turn the vacuum wipers on, if you had a heavy foot they would nearly stall and if driven economically they were a blur Laughing

Post #195714 19th Aug 2013 9:48 pm
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Member Since: 15 Apr 2010
Location: Deep in mid Wales
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Wales 2008 Freelander 2 TD4 GS Manual Santorini Black

Only you and I can remember the 3 speed Ford Pop Thumbs Up Another member of the failed FL2 clutch/DMF club, twice.

Post #195717 19th Aug 2013 10:36 pm
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Member Since: 02 Aug 2013
Location: Leeds
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England 2009 Freelander 2 TD4 SE Manual Zermatt Silver

Pegleg wrote:
I see you've got a manual gearbox.
Same here, and if I drive in an economical manner, I regularly get mid 40's mpg
So in that respect, I would suggest that there's not a lot wrong with the O/E mapping Thumbs Up

As you're a tight fisted Yorkshireman (aren't they all?), no need to spend any money whatsoever Thumbs Up

Those are impressive figures pegleg. Maybe there is still a bit of the boy racer in my subconsciousness.

It would be interesting to know how you define 'an economical manner'. Is it keeping the revs to a certain level as you move up the gear box, keeping to 56mph etc.

Post #195723 20th Aug 2013 6:40 am
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Member Since: 20 Sep 2012
Location: Sydney
Posts: 21

Australia 2009 Freelander 2 TD4 SE Auto Stornoway Grey

I actually have my car in for a remap now and Yes you do get improved torque and Hp, but you also get :

a significantly more responsive throttle
improved fuel economy (by up to 15%)
better power and torque distribution
the power curve is smoother
and the auto (from all reports) shifts smoother

Its not just about upping the power, but makes the car a lot nicer to drive, with the benefit of improved economy. Also take into account that the state of tune that the manufacturers generally use, is designed to handle the conditions in most of not all of the markets the car is sold, so is not 'optimum. So the standard mapping has to account for different fuel types, emission standards etc. So it may not be optimum for your region. So basically all I am doing is re-mapping the vehicle to work with my local conditions as optimally as possible.

From my understanding of the Remap my car is getting, the remap is a series of small adjustments to various 'maps. in the ecu to change the way the engine performs and behaves. Each of these 'maps' has particular limits and a good map will not exceed them. However, the small changes to all the different aspects add up to noticeable changes in the overall driveability and performance of the car.

Essentially it just makes the car perform as well as it can under local conditions within the parameters of the ECU.

The remap can be returned to standard if it needs to go to LR or whoever for warranty work. However in Australia they have to prove that the damage was caused by the remap to not cover the repair under warranty. Down here insurance will also cover it no problem, or at least mine does.

So far I have not found anyone that has remapped the ecu of their car to have a negative thing to say about it, or have experienced any issues.

I would however expect that if you drive with a lead foot to start experiencing premature wear and tear on components, but I would also expect you to have the same issues even if the car was not remapped.

Saying all this, I do service mine every 5000km (oils and filters) and has been running full synthetic oils since about 10000km, which incidentally are a 1/3 the price of the LR oils.

Post #195728 20th Aug 2013 7:44 am
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Tea Gardens

Member Since: 16 Feb 2013
Location: Sydney
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Australia 2013 Freelander 2 TD4 S Auto Indus Silver


Who is doing your reamp in Sydney if you dont mind me asking.

Post #195730 20th Aug 2013 8:15 am
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Member Since: 20 Sep 2012
Location: Sydney
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Australia 2009 Freelander 2 TD4 SE Auto Stornoway Grey

Davis Performance Landrover. I will have before and after Dyno results if your interested as well as fuel economy figures as I have tracked my fuel consumptions for the last 3 months and will do the same after the re-map.

Post #195731 20th Aug 2013 8:17 am
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Tea Gardens

Member Since: 16 Feb 2013
Location: Sydney
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Australia 2013 Freelander 2 TD4 S Auto Indus Silver


More than interested, mine is only 6 months old so will probably wait till out of warrenty.
Do you have your vechicle serviced at Davis and if so how do you find them.


Post #195733 20th Aug 2013 8:49 am
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Member Since: 20 Sep 2012
Location: Sydney
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Australia 2009 Freelander 2 TD4 SE Auto Stornoway Grey

I don't have my vehicle serviced there, I have it serviced by an independent who is a land rover specialist (and also a friend), so it is the best option for me as I get to get under the hoist and check things out for myself when he goes over it as well as paying cost for parts/oils etc.

But if he is busy or cant do a job, then Davis is his first recommendation.

But I do know a number of vehicles serviced by DPL and I can only say that they have all been extremely well looked after.
So I can quite easily recommend them.

I am pretty sure that they can do your factory services, while under warranty which would probably save you a $$ or two

Post #195735 20th Aug 2013 9:00 am
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Member Since: 15 Nov 2008
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United Kingdom 2007 Freelander 2 TD4 HSE Manual Stornoway Grey

heyho wrote:
Thank you all for some clear advice, it's appreciated.

I shall not be buying one!

Don't be put off. I have been running a Bluefin for over 5 years and not had one issue.

pab wrote:
The other question I'd be asking is, if it's that easy to get an mpg improvement of 4-5 mpg why doesn't LR incorporate such a revised map into the standard car? Manufacturers / engine makers spend a lot of time and effort designing their maps, and whilst one can imagine commercial reasons for not offering the maximum power possible it is difficult to imagine them not offering maximum economy unless there were undesirable side-effects.

You will, of course, find people who'll tell you this is rubbish, that they've chipped their car and had no problem at all. But then, you'll also find people who've smoked for the last 50 years and never had a cough in their lives! Personally I won't be trying either!

A manufacturer has to ensure an engine pass's durability for every market around the world, also for bad servicing, missed services and general abuse.

So they map a car to suit all cases to ensure reliability. This in effect means de-tuning an engine for the market. TIS leaves room for improvement for enthusiasts to gain back this extra performance. As most enthusiasts don't abuse there cars, run good fuel and service the, well. There is very rarely a problem with reliability on re-mapped cars.

flylr wrote:
Chipping can provide more power and sometimes better economy by pushing the limits of what the manufacturer may find acceptable for longevity (boost levels for example) or by tuning in such a way that ups the emissions and would affect the tax band.

Many people are willing to risk potential reduced longevity and/or higher emissions for the upside of more power or sometimes economy.

No responsible tuner just chucks more diesel into the engine because it will neither increase power nor economy. In fact it will most likely reduce both.

However when all is said and done I would remap for improved responsiveness and if economy was improved or remained the same I would be happy with that. Tuning for economy alone I would be hesitant to try.... It is much harder to tune for that than power.

Drivability is to main reason I did mine. The extra torque is good for making decent progress without hammering the car. But through normal driving the mpg is improved.

But the main part is because the drivability is vastly improved.
fredastaire wrote:
I wonder if Alex will read this and comment please.
Years ago on petrol engines one could pipe a vacuum gauge into the inlet manifold and by keeping vacuum high teach yourself to keep a light right foot on the gas pedal.
With a diesel turbo we have inlet pressure not vacuum. If we added a tapping for pressure and a gauge; could we use a light right foot to keep at maximum pressure and keep fuel consumption at an optimum?
Kind regards from Fred
PM me please if you have a passenger LR sidestep spare.

You can't do that on modern cars as everything is controlled by the management system. In days gone by, boost control was controlled mechanically so this in line valve was an easy mod. Freelander 2 HSE Lux 2013MY - Barolo Black with Ivory Leather. Alpine DVD - Privacy -Evoque 20" Dynamic Wheels and more to come.........

Post #195737 20th Aug 2013 9:18 am
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Member Since: 10 Jun 2010
Location: Deep in a cave in the hills
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Wales 2014 Freelander 2 SD4 HSE Lux Auto Sumatra Black

heyho wrote:
landy19840 wrote:
Why would you chip for better mpg?! It's going to increase bhp and torque so more power, the only reason to do it is to go faster! If your not happy with mpg of a freelancer why own one???

Also I have know lots of people that have had problems with cheap recaps, over fuelling black smoking etc

The reason I have opted to own a Freelander is that I'm 6ft 5" and am finding it the most comfortable car yet to drive.

It's also the 2nd car in the house as the wife owns a crappy DS3 which gets over 55mpg.

But for the sake of a few bob if I can get another 4-5 mpg by simply adding a chip the tight arsed Yorkshireman in me would be very happy. Very Happy

He puts it on a trailer and tows it behind the Freelander ...!!! Whistle Whistle Wales
Were the mud is thicker, and the ruts are deeper.
(And we have the water to wash it off, and more on the way..! )
Sd4 and chrome Ar*e piece, Auto box for best fun
09 Xs Gone
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HSE with Leather seats and 4 years warrenty.. staying for now !

Post #195752 20th Aug 2013 10:32 am
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Member Since: 15 Apr 2010
Location: Deep in mid Wales
Posts: 3114

Wales 2008 Freelander 2 TD4 GS Manual Santorini Black

heyho wrote:
Pegleg wrote:
I see you've got a manual gearbox.
Same here, and if I drive in an economical manner, I regularly get mid 40's mpg
So in that respect, I would suggest that there's not a lot wrong with the O/E mapping Thumbs Up

As you're a tight fisted Yorkshireman (aren't they all?), no need to spend any money whatsoever Thumbs Up

Those are impressive figures pegleg. Maybe there is still a bit of the boy racer in my subconsciousness.

It would be interesting to know how you define 'an economical manner'. Is it keeping the revs to a certain level as you move up the gear box, keeping to 56mph etc.

If you try and anticipate the road ahead such as corners, other road vehicles, traffic lights, roundabouts etc and slow down without using the brakes too much, you'll see an improvement.
Squeeze the throttle gently and don't accelerate too hard and avoid short trips a much as possible.
Hills kill mpg, so speed up before the incline.

Of course, it's not much fun, but it does work. Another member of the failed FL2 clutch/DMF club, twice.

Post #195803 20th Aug 2013 6:55 pm
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Member Since: 03 Dec 2012
Location: Holbrook
Posts: 721

United Kingdom 2010 Freelander 2 TD4 GS Auto Santorini Black

If you have the auto I reccomend in hilly areas (even mildly), to put it into sport and try to keep the revs around 1800-2000, this keeps the engine on song for hillclimbing. This prevents the engine from labouring on a hill and certainly for me gives better MPG. Once on flatter ground knock back out of sport.
Kind regards from Fred 2010GS Auto ex Celeb, Santorini Black, 2011 facelift , spoiler, spats, mudflaps, LED footwell lamps, Witter detach,
Other cars:-
1958 & 1959 Austin J40 Pedal Cars under restoration (I make many J40 parts)
If you have an Austin J40 or Pathfinder Pedal Car looking for a new home pls PM me.
2009 Meriva

Post #195812 20th Aug 2013 7:25 pm
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Member Since: 16 Apr 2010
Location: Durham, UK
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2010 Freelander 2 TD4 Sport Manual Santorini Black

I got my remapped by a reputable company and had nothing but problems. Now running original software again.
Kept going into limp home mode. Although they have mapped dozens without problems.

My power and mpg were terrible 32 on a long steady run. Had a look and the air box wasn't even attached to the air intake pipe. The gap had caused road dirt etc to contaminate the filter. I cleaned the filter with vacuum and refitted( correctly) the air box etc. the result 36.7mpg stop start town driving.

New filter on order so hopefully get even better on my 50 mile work commute.

Post #196122 22nd Aug 2013 10:43 pm
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Steve D

Member Since: 19 Jan 2013
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United Kingdom 

Boof wrote:
.......... The gap had caused road dirt etc to contaminate the filter........

Isn't that the whole point of a filter - to get contaminated? Past: FL2 TD4 HSE Auto
Evoque SD4 Dynamic Lux Auto
Present: Audi A3 S Line.

Post #196128 23rd Aug 2013 6:36 am
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Member Since: 16 Apr 2010
Location: Durham, UK
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2010 Freelander 2 TD4 Sport Manual Santorini Black

Yes of course its supposed to get contaminated! My point is the degree of contamination.
Due to the water and crap going directly into the air box via a large hole instead of an angled intake pipe.
Filters are designed to last the service interval, mine is halfway through and needs replacing.

I was merely trying to highlight an easily checked and if found, sortable problem to poor fuel consumption. I.e the none directed flow of air to engine.

Post #196144 23rd Aug 2013 10:00 am
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