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Member Since: 07 Nov 2010
Location: brookwood surrey
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United Kingdom 2007 Freelander 2 TD4 XS Manual Stornoway Grey

as mentioned the UK military could at this point today contribute to any task force governed by nato or the EU, i agree with that, however if the government continue with cuts to the military it is hard to see how a sustained commtment of any meaning over a prolonged period.

the point being that the UK military has far more commitments of manpower and equipment that never ever hit the news as they are routine or just not that interesting.

but as ever the uk government and those people who give advise to the governing body tend not to say how it is but give watered down version and results in over stretch and the breaking of the military covenant.

if gadafi goes who will take his place better the devil you know Thumbs Up

Post #94993 12th Mar 2011 6:17 pm
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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
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Posts: 2658

Quote: "if gadafi goes who will take his place better the devil you know" end quote.

Unfortunately the UN, NATO, The Arab League and the EU know that Gaddafi and his heirs will if they retain their fiefdom, export their revenge upon those who opposed them now - but in a magnitude of which we have not witnessed before. Forget not that this family has been responsible for arming and funding terrorist movements over the past 30yrs in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

If the international community allow Gaddafi to hang onto power they become impotent in dealing with Eurpoe's last dictator - President Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus. He is as sadistic in silencing democratic opposition as Gaddafi and thousands have disappeared under his regime - yet he wants EU membership. He has in the past received project funding from the EU under a policy of appeasement, much of which he has probably embezzeled. Let Gaddafi off the hook and Lukashenko (and others yet to surface) will be emboldened to behave as they wish when they wish.

Quote: "it falls on the deaf ears of the politicians that do not want to criticise an ally that is useful/important to them" end quote.

That is often the case but in reality that public perception lags far behind what is going on. And often it is the radicals in society that hog the headlines whilst the voice of moderation gets little airing. For example not all Israelis are against a Palestinian state or support the building of Jewish settlements on the West Bank. And not all Arabs desire the annihilation of the State of Israel. Only the vociferous radicals on either side do. Neutralize the radicals and peace and prosperity will endure (ref: the progress in Northern Ireland and the recent development in the Basque nation. Both the IRA and ETA received huge arms shipments and massive funding from Gaddafi). That's a tough goal to secure - but nevertheless it is worth the effort; first through quiet diplomacy but if all else fails via strong intervention.

This may interest you: [/b]

Post #95043 13th Mar 2011 10:19 am
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Member Since: 18 Nov 2010
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Posts: 4392

Thanks for the link, depressing indeed.

Reading todays news it seems the Libyan rebels would like a 'no fly zone' put in place but do not want any soldiers to set foot in the country as they and the Arab world are afraid of another western invasion. (Like it or not, western countries are not trusted, understandably so).
Unfortunately for them the US has said a 'no fly zone' cannot be implemented and maintained from warships in the Med or from their base in southern Italy, there has to be western ground forces installed and Libya's ground to air missile placements taken out for it to succeed.
So for the 'no fly zone' to succeed western forces need to be on Libyan soil and for them to attack targets in Libya.

The cameras and news reporting would instantly shift from the rebels cause to the white, christian, western invader looking to stamp its authority on another Middle Eastern country. This would be Gaddafi's shout and would echo this in the Arab media. It's hard to know what to do next.

Post #95065 13th Mar 2011 4:09 pm
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