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Member Since: 18 Apr 2009
Location: North West
Posts: 4

United Kingdom 2011 Freelander 2 SD4 SE Auto Ipanema Sand
Computer glitch

Last weekend, comming home from the Lakes, pulling a twin axle caravan, we lost pretty much all the engine power. To cut a long story short, we had to be recovered. The car went to the dealers who connected it up to there computer and found a fault code, something to do with the turbo. They reset the cars ECU and it ran fine. I was told that this does happen and indeed has happened before. My concern now is that it could do exactly the same thing again, anytime. It would have been nice if they'd found something broken and replaced it, but they did'nt. I rang LR customer services and was told more or less the same waffle as the engineer at the dealers and that if I was n't happy to take it back. What do I do now, has anybody else had a similar experience, cos I've lost an waful lot of confidence in the car, which is only 18 moths old.

Regards Toolbloke

Post #47810 25th Sep 2009 8:17 am
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Member Since: 28 Dec 2008
Location: West Yorkshire
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United Kingdom 2007 Freelander 2 TD4 SE Manual Sumatra Black

I've read that this has happened to other owners, albeit very rarely. If it is a bug in the ECU firmware, it will very likely have been revised and a new version released. You can check with your dealer whether you have the latest firmware revision and, if not, have it uploaded.

I wouldn't lose too much confidence, it may well never happen again, but modern cars, whoever makes them, are a slave to electronics and it only takes a digital '0' to be misread as a digital '1' and you could have a problem. And there's millions of those 0's and 1's flying back and forth every second you're driving!

Post #47814 25th Sep 2009 8:57 am
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Member Since: 28 Jun 2007
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With the fault log saying turbo, it will most likely the correct diagnosis, but I would be asking them if they had checked the turbo for any cracks either in the unit or pipes.

I have had the same thing happen to me whilst towing, twice Confused

In my case it was happening at the same time as my temperature sensor jumping about, they put the car on the computer and said it was a EGR Value that caused the lack of power and replaced that, even though the lack of power happened when the car went into the red on the temp gauge (saving the engine from damage due to thinking it was overheating)

They was just going to do the EGR until i kicked off and they looked into the overheat side too, this was then put down to mud on the radiator, which had been there for over a year

I had very long talks with the service manager and LRCS and they all stand by what they did, as they can not diagnose a fault unless it actually happens whilst in their possession, even though i had video evidence of the temp needle jumping about, they even sarcastically said they couldn't link my camera up to PC to diagnose a fault, all it was doing was showing it is happening, but not the reason.

Unfortunately in this day and age LR mechanics only fix things if the ECU says are faulty or it happens when they have it in to look at,

Until this happens, your a made to feel like your a liar Evil or Very Mad Former Mod/Member, with the most post & Chicken George Arch nemesis

Post #47817 25th Sep 2009 9:41 am
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Member Since: 18 Apr 2009
Location: North West
Posts: 4

United Kingdom 2011 Freelander 2 SD4 SE Auto Ipanema Sand

Thanks guys.

The cars running fine at the minute, I'll just keep my fingers crossed. We're taking the van down to the Cotswolds at the end of the month, I dare say if we get through that trip unscathed it's been a one off. Mind you if it does n't I'll have something to say to the dealer!

Thanks again.

Post #47877 27th Sep 2009 2:26 pm
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