Member Since: 08 Aug 2011
Location: Currently Rootless !
Posts: 1783

IanMetro wrote:MartynB wrote:I’ve recently had the split circuit RCD protected board replaced with a full RCBO unit , combined MCB/ RCD breakers . It seems a much more practical solution . You only lose the one faulty circuit rather than multiple , and at that point it’s already an indication of that circuit needing attention one way or another . . If you have to call out a sparky to sort out your current problem it won’t be that much of an addition to get the board swapped out for RCBOs
This seems to be the best advice.
When I get trouble, mainly in external garden and workshop circuits, I often wonder whether I should start all over again with fresh wiring around the house and to the external feed. Now I know about individual RCBOs it makes sense, but rewiring would be very expensive and inconvenient.
If the wiring tests Ok it should be possible to just change the CU , it cost me £400 + VAT , although I’d had a new garage built , and a new mains supply , so the electrician was on site and it was part of a bigger job including the garage and external lighting . The CU swop was not planned , until I saw how good the RCBO unit in the garage was . The sparky said it could have been cheaper but we had a bigger board , spare ways and spare breakers , and some Kinetic switch receivers connected to a lighting circuit . 2009 GS Auto Zermatt Silver - Sold June 21 after 10 years of ownership
2016 Subaru Outback SE 2.0 diesel SE Premium Lineartronic Sold 2024 after 8 years and 80k miles . Best Car I ever owned !
2023 Toyota Hilux invincible X 2.8 Auto .
21st Oct 2024 5:09 pm |