Member Since: 24 Aug 2016
Location: Westmidlands
Posts: 566
Quote:Wonderdust wrote:Arctic
Have you seen this video
I don't know if codes need to be cleared as they did also he cycles ignition a few times.
Are the extra wires on the battery to do with the Battery Management System.
That's part of the battery monitor system. It has to connect to the positive and negative at the battery, to eliminate losses in the earth cable to the body.
You can still do a hard reset, as there's no electrical connection on the leads, even though it looks like there is.
Well somehow i don't know why but the two bleep as solved it's self later yesterday about 16.38pm, during the day leading up to trying the hard reset which as we know i did not complete before finding out about the wiring on the battery, which John and wunderlust have kindly answered, yes saw that video a few days back.
I opened all the doors bonnet and boot, closed them all, still the 2 bleeps, on open of the fob, next i made up a bulb ready to bridge the positive & negative leads once removed from the battery poles/terminal's.
So i undid the nuts to the poles ready but as above had second thoughts when seeing the wiring, so tighten them back up, shut the bonnet my son then turned with our grand daughter so FL2 playing was not more.
This time i locked the doors one press then another press for total locking, but then i held the locking button down for about 5 seconds, then went inside out of the cold to have drinks with son etc, when he was leaving i went to show him the two bleeps on opening with fob No longer there ? so don't really know what has solved it, maybe the Landrover gremlins have had enough playing for a while who knows.
Will check again later today around 10.30am just be fore they both have there weekend fluid and tyres checks plus the weekly washing they have.
28th Jan 2024 12:42 am |