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Member Since: 17 Jun 2019
Location: North America
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Canada 2008 LR2 i6 SE Auto Tambora Flame
HID D1S passenger main beam out

HID D1S passenger main beam issue.

Went through a serious rain storm yesterday and when I got in, my neighbour texted me that my PS main beam was out. I assumed it was the bulb so I ordered from Amazon the replacement D1S HID and swapped it today. No joy, new bulb no workie either...........high beams work, etc. but not the passenger DLR or the main beam. I did not have the time today to track down and test fuses but the passenger fuse box, F9 controls both main beams (?) and the DS is working.

Also, not an electrician but it's likely the HID ballast or some such. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Looks like I am going to have to practice with my multimeter.

Post #395125 6th Aug 2020 12:33 am
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Member Since: 06 Dec 2011
Location: USA
Posts: 1279

United States 2008 Freelander 2 i6 SE Auto Tambora Flame

To operate at full efficiency, the xenon bulb goes through three stages of operation before full output for continuous
operation is achieved. The three phases are; start-up phase, warm-up phase and continuous phase.

In the start-up phase, the bulb requires an initial high voltage starting pulse of up to 30000 volts to establish the arc. This
is produced by the igniters. The warm-up phase begins once the arc is established. The xenon control modules regulate
the supply to the bulbs to 2.6A which gives a lamp output of 75W.

During this phase, the xenon gas begins to illuminate
brightly and the environment within the bulb stabilises ensuring a continual current flow between the electrodes. When the
warm-up phase is complete, the xenon control modules change to continuous phase. The supply voltage to the bulb is
reduced and the operating power required for continual operation is reduced to 35W . The process from start-up to
continuous phase is completed in a very short time.

The xenon system is controlled by the CJB, the two xenon control modules and the two igniters. The xenon control
modules (one per headlamp) receive an operating voltage from the CJB when the headlamps are switched on. The modules
regulate the power supply required through the phases of start-up.

The igniters (one per headlamp) generate the initial high voltage required to establish the arc. The igniters have integral
coils which generate high voltage pulses required for start-up. Once the xenon bulbs are operating, the igniters provide a
closed circuit for regulated power supply from the control modules.

Post #395126 6th Aug 2020 2:52 am
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Member Since: 17 Jun 2019
Location: North America
Posts: 1370

Canada 2008 LR2 i6 SE Auto Tambora Flame

Thanks Paul.

This is going to be a learning experience and likely will be pricey! Shocked

Post #395130 6th Aug 2020 7:47 am
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Member Since: 17 Jun 2019
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Canada 2008 LR2 i6 SE Auto Tambora Flame

When I get some time later this eve, I will do some troubleshooting. My net search found this site:

Anyone at Freel2 used them before?

Looks like I can at least source some parts. Will update this thread once I find a solution.

Post #395132 6th Aug 2020 8:05 am
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Member Since: 06 Dec 2011
Location: USA
Posts: 1279

United States 2008 Freelander 2 i6 SE Auto Tambora Flame

The link looks to have the parts that likely failed.

I recommend you confirm that the headlight won't come on when you press the button on the key fob.

The Headlights do a little HID dance when you turn them on.

Does the broken side do the HID Dance but it fails to turn on?

Good Luck


Post #395149 6th Aug 2020 4:51 pm
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Member Since: 17 Jun 2019
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Canada 2008 LR2 i6 SE Auto Tambora Flame

Will try the HID dance with the keyfob in the morning, that will be about 5am. What I noticed prior to the severe rainstorm that I think killed the ballast (it's mounted to the exterior underside of the light assembly), is that under heavy braking & while in a turn, they did appear to get brighter momentarily. Will update this thread tomorrow eve........I am considering swapping the ballast, if possible, for the DS to the PS side assembly to confirm that it could be the ballast before troubleshooting the wiring.

Post #395187 6th Aug 2020 11:38 pm
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Member Since: 17 Jun 2019
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Canada 2008 LR2 i6 SE Auto Tambora Flame


Tried the keyfob headlight button and no HID "dance". The side that's out, absolutely nothing; the DS powers up but no "dance". I just left them on for about 20-30 seconds. This eve or tomorrow I will swap the working side ballast to the side that's out to confirm the issue.

As for the link I posted above, I am not sure the info I received from the seller is all accurate; they indicated that the part they will send will be new but internet searches on their reviews indicate that could be different.

Will update this thread again later this weekend!

Post #395212 8th Aug 2020 8:18 am
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Member Since: 06 Dec 2011
Location: USA
Posts: 1279

United States 2008 Freelander 2 i6 SE Auto Tambora Flame

Thanks for the update

I am a little surprised that the light doesn't do the HID dance with a failed igniter.

FYI: on my Audi it does a noticeable dance, but on the LR2 its very subtle, you have to look closely to see it.

Also by using the key FOB you bypassed the headlight switch and High Beam / Low Beam turn signal lever

If the HID worked by the FOB then you need to look inside the vehicle for the fault.

It looks like you are on the right path.

You could buy a used part from California (it doesn't rain that much here)

I don't know if the salvage yard would ship to Canada

Good Luck


Post #395229 8th Aug 2020 5:59 pm
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Member Since: 17 Jun 2019
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Canada 2008 LR2 i6 SE Auto Tambora Flame

Update: So I switched the Philips XLD145/VP4M5X ballasts around and I can confirm it's the PS ballast that's "gonzo". Either low beam works with the one good ballast. LR of course wants $400 cdn for a new ballast( not gonna happen Rolling with laughter ); it also looks like these ballasts were used in Caddies and older Ford Focuses. Found quite a few used/replace models on Ebay but shipping through USPS currently is a crapshoot re delivery times.

Today and tomorrow I am going to see if any regional scrapyard/reseller has a used or new replacement version available. Both sides are Philips brand so it's likely they are original.

Paul, when I switched ballasts around and then back, I did see a very quick "dance" on the good ballast side but it was less than 1-3 seconds when powering up the vehicle in the garage. I should note, I am using aftermarket Xenon HIDs, 6000Ks, so that may be relevant to the "dance". My eyes don't register this from outside of the vehicle or with the keyfob. BTW, I have no issues with the aftermarket HIDs bulbs, almost two years old now. They are a vast improvement over the 3000K originals. Here's a link to them and I have used this Amazon seller/brand bulbs for over six years in different vehicles and have yet to be disappointed.

Post #395260 9th Aug 2020 1:50 pm
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Member Since: 06 Dec 2011
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United States 2008 Freelander 2 i6 SE Auto Tambora Flame


Were you able to fix your HID ballast

Is this the right part?;jsn=1293

Control Module - Land-Rover (LR021905)

Maybe I need to get one and keep it in the glove box



Post #395892 20th Aug 2020 10:13 pm
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Canada 2008 LR2 i6 SE Auto Tambora Flame

Hi Paul,

I ordered two used stock Denso ballasts from the US and they are in USPS' hands or just sitting in a container or a terminal somewhere in Carson last recorded tracking entry. I should get them in a week or two........and yes, the part is LR21905. Looks like Philips or Denso ballasts came originally with the FL2 HIDs.

I had the weird feeling that once I replaced the dead ballast, the other side would end up going so a spare is simple the meanwhile my front fogs are picking up the slack. I searched using "XLD 145" and I also checked a few local wreckers but no luck.

Post #395897 21st Aug 2020 7:16 am
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Member Since: 17 Jun 2019
Location: North America
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Canada 2008 LR2 i6 SE Auto Tambora Flame

Well, the used ballasts made it to Canadian soil Thursday night.......should have them by Wednesday. Will post an update Thursday........ Very Happy

Post #396616 5th Sep 2020 8:52 pm
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Canada 2008 LR2 i6 SE Auto Tambora Flame

Thread update:
Received and installed the used Denso XLD145(s) HID Xenon ballasts (I'll keep the good remaining original Phillips as a spare) and they work just fine! They are running now for three days and I hope for a good while........the savings over OEM new were significant but always a risk. If I get a few years+ out of them, still well worth it.

Post #396899 11th Sep 2020 6:27 pm
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Member Since: 06 Dec 2011
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United States 2008 Freelander 2 i6 SE Auto Tambora Flame

Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Thumbs Up

Post #396902 11th Sep 2020 7:04 pm
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Member Since: 17 Jun 2019
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Canada 2008 LR2 i6 SE Auto Tambora Flame
Re: HID D1S passenger main beam out

MotionInc wrote:
HID D1S passenger main beam issue.

Went through a serious rain storm yesterday and when I got in, my neighbour texted me that my PS main beam was out. I assumed it was the bulb so I ordered from Amazon the replacement D1S HID and swapped it today. No joy, new bulb no workie either...........high beams work, etc. but not the passenger DLR or the main beam. I did not have the time today to track down and test fuses but the passenger fuse box, F9 controls both main beams (?) and the DS is working.

Also, not an electrician but it's likely the HID ballast or some such. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Looks like I am going to have to practice with my multimeter.

So, I'll bump this thread to update as follows, yes @p_gill, the HIDs do dance for a split second but if you are in excellent lighting, you'll never know! Wink

Now the update, the storm as mentioned in the OP included running over a very large downed tree branch at about 100KM(very bad visibility so I chose not to slow down before crossing the tree, it was too late to avoid) that also damaged the DS(PS in the UK) rear shock which I replaced. The HID right ballast failed within a few weeks of said event and I always assumed it was the rainfall from the storm that killed the ballast. Now I have new insight as to the likely cause of the failure.

About a month ago, on the highway at about 120kms, changing into a lane behind an 18 wheeler, I drove "through" a large pot hole that was about 4-5 inches deep. When I saw it, it was too late to avoid so I just kept the steering straight and did not adjust my speed. The bang was quite loud! Anyway, about a month later, today, the HID ballast also failed and I just replaced it with a used one purchased as a pair a little while back with the tree fiasco. So, I am pretty confident that the ballasts can fail from crossing a large tree branchs at speed as well as hitting a large pothole at speed. So far, this appears to be the extent of the darn pothole damage.

Post #432342 7th May 2023 4:25 pm
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