Member Since: 09 Dec 2009
Location: Manchester
Posts: 2187

Mines just been in for a replacement pressure sensor and pickup pipe.
Anyway I had an F Pace as a run around, same 240BHP Ingenium engine but laid out the right way - front to back.
Open the bonnet and there is acres of space, more importantly there is a HUGE DPF bolted directly to the turbo. Two things come to mind, firstly this DPF is going to take an age to fill - its' got to be 3 - 4 times the volume of the one on the DS /Evoque, secondly forget forced regen, this thing is going to get mad hot on tickover, so no fuel in oil. Without the diesel acting as solvent in the oil the plastic guides and the chain is going to last 150k or even longer.
Still going to be fun to change mind.
Wonder if the Ingenium longevity trials were done in an F Pace?
F Pace was OK, bit fidgety, as in two hands needed on the wheel on the motorway, and much harder sprung than the DS, biggest difference, the DS averages 34mpg (over the last 7k), the F Pace 42mpg on the same work run for 300 miles. Tangiers Orange - gone, missing her
Replaced by Ewok what a mistake - now a happy Disco Sport owner
16th Nov 2022 5:29 pm |