Member Since: 12 Nov 2013
Location: yorkshire
Posts: 126

Andy131 wrote:I think that as a privileged car driver you are making a fundamental mistake.
I say privileged as you obviously have somewhere to charge a BEV - either at work or home, or maybe 7 hours shopping at the supermarket. There are a huge number of car drivers who don't have that luxury, forget public charging, there aren't currently enough working chargers for the volume of cars that presently need them, what's it going to be like three years after BEVs become compulsory?
I stand by my comments, BEVs are a stopgap for a privileged few, an electric car that uses an onboard generator is the way to go - Back To The Future anyone? Delorian with a fusion generator.
Well I did say if I couldn't charge at work or home I wouldn't buy one
But I would be moving house because houses with no ability to charge a car are going to cause a headache in the near future and houses with drives are going to get more expensive for sure I personally feel the benifit of waking up each morning to a full battery ready to go far out weights the lower range and longer stops to refuel when exceeding the range vs the inconvenience of having to drive out of my way to fill up with fuel (living in the countryside I have a 5 Mile drive out of my way to get fuel for my freelander)
You may well be correct that bev is a stop gap to something else but that may be 50-100 year's away and what that is I dont know but i am confident in my opinion that hydrogen is not the next thing
10th Jun 2022 9:50 pm |