Member Since: 09 Dec 2009
Location: Manchester
Posts: 2187

Cheers Gents,
First time ECG was fine both in the ambulance and A&E - the bloods were the give away.
Talked to the Doctor on the phone, he wasn't impressed by my lack of concern, suspects angina, bloods will tell him. Upped the angina tablets that I am on as a precaution, but is reluctant to interfere as the cardiologist gave him a dressing down last time. Have missed the last couple of cardiology appointments as the hospital cancelled them due to staffing shortages.
To be honest a heart attack doesn't scare me (been there), it's generally a good way to go.
Been to the Doctors, bloods didn't give him cause for concern, he is convinced that it was an angina attack. No advice on smoking, drinking, weight, exercise Tangiers Orange - gone, missing her
Replaced by Ewok what a mistake - now a happy Disco Sport owner
28th Mar 2022 11:36 am |
Member Since: 09 Dec 2009
Location: Manchester
Posts: 2187

As someone who has repeatedly forsaken family for work I couldn't agree more.
Something like a loved one having a heart attack brings life into focus.
We were "lucky" Gill was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer 2018 and I had my heart attack in 2016, the NHS bless their souls patched me up and did as best they could for Gill. But we had time, not a lot, not an exact amount, but time became precious. Suddenly we found more time for holidays, weekends became Us time, and at every chance we had adventures that we were going to have "eventually". It's surprising how spending time with loved ones can turn even chores into quality time if done together without pointless deadlines.
Want a deadline? "your husbands not expected to make it to the weekend" or "you have stage 4 cancer and with luck you have two years" (without it months!) now there are real deadlines.
Do yourself and family a favor, that new car can wait, but the holiday feeding humming birds in Jamaica might never happen. The new car will be no longer new long before it's paid for, but the pictures of loved ones with humming birds will bring smiles many years later.
Funnily enough work carries on, and will do long after we retire. Tangiers Orange - gone, missing her
Replaced by Ewok what a mistake - now a happy Disco Sport owner
31st Mar 2022 2:00 pm |