Member Since: 15 Jul 2020
Location: Newquay
Posts: 2086

There's no point in paying for DAB, especially if you like audio quality, but listen to commercial stations. Very few commercial DAB stations are transmitting a high enough bit rate for stereo, transmitting in 32 or 64 kbps in mono using an outdated codec(DAB + with HE-AAC). A few more wealthy stations are transmitting in MP2 at up to 196 kbps, but not many, and often the signal is so weak that good reception is impossible anyway, which again reduces quality.
It's impossible to beat a strong FM are far as audio quality in concerned in the UK, as DAB simply doesn't have the available bandwidth.
DAB is concentrating on quantity over quality, which is unfortunate but true.
I listen to FM, as the quality is much better, when compared to DAB, even though all our cars now have DAB as standard. Hyundai Ioniq 5 Ultimate. The family car.
2009 Rimini Red SE TD4. Gone.
2006 Tonga Green i6 HSE. Gone.
Audi A5 convertible, my daily driver.
1972 Hillman Avenger GT, the project.
Last edited by Nodge68 on 16th Mar 2021 11:29 am. Edited 1 time in total
16th Mar 2021 11:26 am |