Member Since: 30 Aug 2020
Location: Staffordshire
Posts: 156

To dorsetfreelander, Yep can’t dispute that, it doesn’t surprise me with her thinking as she drives a fiat 500c semi automatic where the gearbox has no park, only neutral, drive and reverse and manual up/down thru the box. Ignition keys can be removed in any selection.
If she had only phoned me to ask a simple question but no, at that time the car was less than 3 yrs old, just imagine walking past it on the carpark, engine running, more likely in gear handbrake on keys in the ignition.
What a Sunday afternoon gift to some chav
To explain that to the insurance well,
Nope, no near misses ever again I always remove the starter relay and put the cover back, happy days.
Years ago I worked for a well known car security company and had to fit a device to a Porsche Carrera 4 cabrio. Parked in an underground carpark I decided to move the car over so the doors could be opened wide and to help to allow more light in I dropped the roof down. Checked everything on the car and no faults or issues in fact car was two days old, and very expensive.
Owned by a well known at the time a Manchester United footballer. Wife is a member of the spice girls- work it out.
At the end of the install Would the roof go up? NO, Having taken the car apart once it came apart again to check nothing left off,
2 hours later with no results I eventually phoned the service department of the dealer to ask for “Help”. In total desperation. Can you imagine my delema
In the conversation he asked is the handbrake on??? No I said, try the roof with the brake on,. Well, the roof worked fine.
Now who’s the Idiot? I learnt well that particular day but never passed the information on to my colleagues, naughty, naughty.
Loads more stories, might write a book.