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Кнопка с торца левого переключателя на рулевой колонке. Smile

Post #391734 28th May 2020 6:09 pm
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Вот ее то у меня нет, комплектация минимальная, МКПП. Вот и думаю какую ревизию от алекса установить?

Post #391749 29th May 2020 1:09 am
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Member Since: 01 Jun 2020
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Re: Autobox's gear display on instruments (& more)

Salut Alex,cand ai timp,poate putem vorbi in PM,sper sa mi poti da cateva sfaturi pentru Freelander ul meu. Multumesc frumos

alex_pescaru wrote:
A bit of spare time and a small modification was born... Laughing

Following the topic here , where you can change the firmware for MY2007-2009 cars in order to show the time and have instant fuel consumption in the center display like on MY2010 and later, I've said to myself:
Why not displaying the autobox's gear on the dash, not only on Command Shift mode, but in Drive and Sport modes also.
So I've modified the firmware in order to do that, I've rebuilt the VBF file with the new modifications and I've flashed it back to the cluster.

The result here:

Now you can see how car's behaving and changing gears and, with a quick glance, you can know in which gear the box is.

Revision 1
Password: gearonipc
1. Clock on dash
2. Autobox gear display for Drive and Sport

Revision 2
Password: revision2
1. Clock on dash
2. Autobox gear display for Drive and Sport
3. Correction/linearization of the temperature gauge.

Revision 3
Password: revision3
1. Clock on dash
2. Autobox gear display for Drive and Sport
3. Correction/linearization of the temperature gauge.
4. Battery voltage as a new item on the on-board computer

Revision 5
Password: revision5
1. Clock on dash
2. Autobox gear display for Drive and Sport
3. Correction/linearization of the temperature gauge.
4. Battery voltage as a new item on the on-board computer
5. Instant speed as a new item on the on-board computer

Files here (courtesy of our Russian colleagues):

The thread contains additional information about each version/revision.

Take care, because this is intended for the following set of files, just like in the other topic:
SBL: 6H52-14C025-AA
EXE: AH52-14C026-AD <- this one is replaced
DAT: AH52-14C088-FD (diesel, km) or AH52-14C088-DD (petrol, km)

This set of files seems to work OK with the MY2009 clusters, like I had. BTW, the EXE I had was 9H52-14C026-AB.
And may work OK with MY2007 (like gruodis, from the other topic, has) and MY2008 (because I've flashed the clock modification to a friend with MY2008).
There are other clusters, for example the ones from MY2010, that may have different hardware (and therefore software) and maybe on those wont work.

Make a backup of the old firmware/file in order to flash it back if it wont work.
Worst case scenario, if the flash process is failing, the instruments wont boot/start.
The cluster is responsible for powering up the column steering lock (CSL). If the CSL doesn't disengage, the car wont start.
If this happens, depending on when is failing - during the flash or during the boot, you may need to retry.
If not, flash back the original file. Normally, you can't brick the cluster. It will allow you to retry the flash process.

Anyway, as seen on the movie, it works OK on my car and its hardware (ECU HWN: 6H52-14C226-FD)
If you try it, you try it at your own risk. Please don't hold me responsible if something will go wrong.

And without trying to show off, if you are asking how this can be flashed into the cluster, better don't try it.
You MUST know exactly what you are doing when you're handling/flashing the ECUs of a 20K+ quids car.
The method for flashing with SDD is explained a few posts later at

Post #391868 1st Jun 2020 7:35 am
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Member Since: 01 Jun 2020
Location: Galati
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Freelander 2 2009

Post #391869 1st Jun 2020 7:36 am
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Member Since: 01 Jun 2020
Location: Galati
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Re: Autobox's gear display on instruments (& more)

Sper sa fie ok postarea in limba romana Smile

DonPedros77 wrote:
Salut Alex,cand ai timp,poate putem vorbi in PM,sper sa mi poti da cateva sfaturi pentru Freelander ul meu. Multumesc frumos

alex_pescaru wrote:
A bit of spare time and a small modification was born... Laughing

Following the topic here , where you can change the firmware for MY2007-2009 cars in order to show the time and have instant fuel consumption in the center display like on MY2010 and later, I've said to myself:
Why not displaying the autobox's gear on the dash, not only on Command Shift mode, but in Drive and Sport modes also.
So I've modified the firmware in order to do that, I've rebuilt the VBF file with the new modifications and I've flashed it back to the cluster.

The result here:

Now you can see how car's behaving and changing gears and, with a quick glance, you can know in which gear the box is.

Revision 1
Password: gearonipc
1. Clock on dash
2. Autobox gear display for Drive and Sport

Revision 2
Password: revision2
1. Clock on dash
2. Autobox gear display for Drive and Sport
3. Correction/linearization of the temperature gauge.

Revision 3
Password: revision3
1. Clock on dash
2. Autobox gear display for Drive and Sport
3. Correction/linearization of the temperature gauge.
4. Battery voltage as a new item on the on-board computer

Revision 5
Password: revision5
1. Clock on dash
2. Autobox gear display for Drive and Sport
3. Correction/linearization of the temperature gauge.
4. Battery voltage as a new item on the on-board computer
5. Instant speed as a new item on the on-board computer

Files here (courtesy of our Russian colleagues):

The thread contains additional information about each version/revision.

Take care, because this is intended for the following set of files, just like in the other topic:
SBL: 6H52-14C025-AA
EXE: AH52-14C026-AD <- this one is replaced
DAT: AH52-14C088-FD (diesel, km) or AH52-14C088-DD (petrol, km)

This set of files seems to work OK with the MY2009 clusters, like I had. BTW, the EXE I had was 9H52-14C026-AB.
And may work OK with MY2007 (like gruodis, from the other topic, has) and MY2008 (because I've flashed the clock modification to a friend with MY2008).
There are other clusters, for example the ones from MY2010, that may have different hardware (and therefore software) and maybe on those wont work.

Make a backup of the old firmware/file in order to flash it back if it wont work.
Worst case scenario, if the flash process is failing, the instruments wont boot/start.
The cluster is responsible for powering up the column steering lock (CSL). If the CSL doesn't disengage, the car wont start.
If this happens, depending on when is failing - during the flash or during the boot, you may need to retry.
If not, flash back the original file. Normally, you can't brick the cluster. It will allow you to retry the flash process.

Anyway, as seen on the movie, it works OK on my car and its hardware (ECU HWN: 6H52-14C226-FD)
If you try it, you try it at your own risk. Please don't hold me responsible if something will go wrong.

And without trying to show off, if you are asking how this can be flashed into the cluster, better don't try it.
You MUST know exactly what you are doing when you're handling/flashing the ECUs of a 20K+ quids car.
The method for flashing with SDD is explained a few posts later at

Post #391870 1st Jun 2020 7:37 am
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Member Since: 05 Apr 2008
Location: Virginia, USA
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United States 2008 LR2 i6 SE Auto Whistler White

Thank you, Alex!

I finally got hold of a Mongoose clone to activate the bluetooth module I recently installed in my 2008 LR2 (US spec) and decided to give the instrument cluster a go as well.

Thanks to your translated instructions and file links, I was able to get a successful cluster flash on my first try with only one minor problem. My instrument cluster went from displaying miles and Fahrenheit (temps) to kilometers and Celsius. Re-flashing with my backed-up file removed the added features, but didn't revert the metric readouts. Being a petrol i6, I had used AH52-10849-DD so I figured there must be a different file set for US-spec cars. I started at the top of the AH52 list, flashed using AH52-10849-AD and the units reverted back to normal (for me). I'm assuming that set is for US cars since we are one of the very few countries still using both miles and Fahrenheit. Only petrol i6 models were sold in the US.

The added features are great and make driving my twelve-year-old FL2 more fun. I find the voltage info incredibly useful and the linear temp reading is really nice. Thank you again!

I know there have been others in the forum who asked about getting miles changed to kilometers and kilometers to miles. It looks like a quick re-flash of the instrument cluster with one of the different file sets is one way to do it.

Post #395752 19th Aug 2020 12:53 am
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Member Since: 20 Jul 2013
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United Kingdom 2014 Freelander 2 SD4 XS Auto Loire Blue

I was under the impression that these gearboxes rarely went into 1st and generally pulled away in 2nd.

Also as an aside, my SD4 doesn't seem to go into 6th until about 60mph on the flat 3 x FL1 2 manual + 1 auto
5 x FL2 4 manual + 1 auto
Now Discovery Sport P250 MHEV SE

Post #395762 19th Aug 2020 8:04 am
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Member Since: 12 Mar 2009
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Well done!
Indeed, different termination means different configurations for display.

Well, it's the other way around... I've said it many times.
From standing still, in Drive, always in 1st and only when selected manually, in 2nd.
And in manual mode, when the box changes down, correcting the user input, it remains in 2nd, 2nd also being a valid gear for start.
As for the gearing, yes, it's correct. About that speed goes into 6th, even higher when having a heavy foot.

Post #395767 19th Aug 2020 9:56 am
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Member Since: 04 Jun 2016
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United Kingdom 2011 Freelander 2 TD4 GS Auto Zermatt Silver

Walter_F wrote:
Thank you, Alex! ....
I had used AH52-10849-DD so I figured there must be a different file set for US-spec cars. I started at the top of the AH52 list, flashed using AH52-10849-AD and the units reverted back to normal (for me).
I know there have been others in the forum who asked about getting miles changed to kilometers and kilometers to miles. It looks like a quick re-flash of the instrument cluster with one of the different file sets is one way to do it.

Thanks to Alex from me too for this invaluable resource and the wealth of information Thumbs Up

Regarding Walters comments, I fell into this trap myself when I flashed the modified files to my car and ended up with Kms instead of miles, I fixed it using the same idea of trying the same file with a different suffix.

It would be interesting to know how the file naming protocol actually works and what those different suffixes actually mean in terms of different engine types and regions etc. Question

Post #395770 19th Aug 2020 10:31 am
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Member Since: 26 Sep 2020
Location: Abakan
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Добрый день Алекс! очень сильно нужна ваша помощь, у меня Freelander 2 2007 г. хочу прошить приборную панель вашей прошивкой, открыть доп опции и русифицировать панель так как через обычный режим он все делает проходит без ошибок пишет якобы панель на русском а по факту панель остается на английском языке, делаю все точно по вашей инструкции через файл softwaredownload.htm прохожу опрос и в конце когда выбираю режим инженер должно появиться еще 2 окошка с права как у вас написано так вот у меня они не появляются !в чем может быть проблема? шнурок Mongoose JLR PRO версия SDD 160 подскажите что мне делать?

Hello Alex! I really need your help, I have a 2007 Freelander 2, I want to flash the dashboard with your firmware, open additional options and Russify the panel, since it does everything through the normal mode without errors, it says that the panel is written in Russian, but in fact the panel remains in English , I do everything exactly according to your instructions through the softwaredownload.htm file, I go through the survey and at the end when I select the engineer mode, 2 more windows should appear on the right as you say so they do not appear for me! What could be the problem? lace Mongoose JLR PRO SDD 160 version tell me what to do?

Post #397499 26th Sep 2020 6:10 pm
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Member Since: 12 Mar 2009
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The language is changed by modifying the "Language" value in CCF, after flashing the new firmware.
Also see the discussions on and, for sure, the guys there will help.

Post #397501 26th Sep 2020 7:27 pm
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Member Since: 26 Sep 2020
Location: Abakan
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Так в том то и дело что я не могу прошить так как после выбора инженера у меня не становится активна эта кнопка!! Не можете подсказать почему?

Post #397504 26th Sep 2020 7:44 pm
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Member Since: 12 Mar 2009
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Posts: 4642

Don't know... Sorry.
Maybe because you are using a too recent (new) SDD version?
Older versions have sometime more options...
I've seen a discussion about this some time ago on But don't remember where...

Post #397508 26th Sep 2020 9:06 pm
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Member Since: 13 Dec 2007
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United Kingdom 2014 Freelander 2 SD4 SE Auto Firenze Red

dorsetfreelander wrote:
I was under the impression that these gearboxes rarely went into 1st and generally pulled away in 2nd.

Also as an aside, my SD4 doesn't seem to go into 6th until about 60mph on the flat

Mine does the same Jules

Post #397514 27th Sep 2020 10:27 am
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Member Since: 14 Dec 2014
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United Kingdom 2013 Freelander 2 SD4 HSE Auto Aintree Green

I also read somewhere that a function of the genuine LR towing electrics is to sense an electrical trailer connection to tell the gearbox to use 1st at start off all the time it sees a connection. 2007 TD4 XS The work horse that earns its up keep
2013 SD4 HSE The posh one for towing the caravan
1973 Triumph Stag I bought in 2009 and restored.

Post #397518 27th Sep 2020 11:36 am
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