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Member Since: 25 May 2006
Location: Derby
Posts: 125

United Kingdom 2012 Freelander 2 TD4 GS Manual Santorini Black
Car Values

Is it me, or are used cars values plumeting like lead balloons?

I've seen some 5dr Freelanders on 54 plates going for �11k, slightly older for even less!!! The new shape Ford Focus is available �9k and

slightly less if you look hard enough! These are dealer prices too, not Joe Public.

Makes you wish you'd not just bought a new car! I was looking at the Golf and a new shape 2.0GT TDi is available for �12k, they were �18-19k when new a year or so before!

Is it me striking lucky, or are the values slipping, or is it that I've never really looked before and they've always slipped?

Cheers H

Post #353 12th Jun 2006 7:48 pm
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Member Since: 19 Feb 2006
Location: Patching
Posts: 366

England 2007 Freelander 2 TD4 HSE Auto Zermatt Silver

We bought a stop gap SE TD4 auto 5 door on a 55 plate for my wife at Christmas for �15K.

Post #355 13th Jun 2006 8:56 pm
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Member Since: 25 May 2006
Location: Derby
Posts: 125

United Kingdom 2012 Freelander 2 TD4 GS Manual Santorini Black


Apologies for the poor typing previously Wink

Values seem to have dropped even more recently. I am sure when I used to trade cars in I got more for older vehicles than they are offering on new ones now!

My Freeelander is barely 2 months old and yet has very little value, esp' when you look at the finance you are tied into. There was a time that usually the finance was more than covered by the cars value, despite depreciation. Suddenly I am now into negative equity!!!

Looks like the Civic 2.2 iCDTi will have to be a forgotten Wink And a Freelander2 is certainly off the cards!!!

Cheers H

Post #356 14th Jun 2006 10:37 am
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Very Annoyed

Member Since: 19 Feb 2006
Location: Surrey seems to be the hardest word!
Posts: 87

harveyg77 - I'm surprised you're surprised about the value of a Freelander with the new Freelander about to be launched. You yourself want the new FL as will thousands of other FL owners - who wants the old model? Now talking of old models where's Mrs VA? Very Happy RRS 2.7 TDV6 HSE Zambezi silver, Alpaca, Privicy Glass, Sun roof, PTI, Tasmod's sills, DVD for the offspring, Sex on wheels! RRSPORT.CO.UK sticker on back window! S/C grill & Vents, Front & Rear Lamp Guards, Driving lamps and mud in places you wouldn't believe!
D3 for the wife - No extras! (she has to earn them!)

I like Boobies!!!!

Post #357 15th Jun 2006 6:45 am
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Member Since: 25 May 2006
Location: Derby
Posts: 125

United Kingdom 2012 Freelander 2 TD4 GS Manual Santorini Black

Not too suprised about the Freelanders value, but every other car seems to be nose diving too Wink

To be honest as much as I like the new Freelander I don't know whether I will be getting one. I will use the old L-series for off-roading as its not too much money to loose if damaged.

Also I am having that many problems with my new Td4 that i am all but ready to get a Civic or V50. Strange cars, but they're both safe, reliable, quick and 'tickle my fancy'. Not everyones cup of tea, but I have about had enough of LR's being expensive and troublesome with faults that LR don;t seem to fix unless you the owner disconnect something and then tell them its fixed the problem.

But thats only because I am in s troip at the moment as my Freelander has spent about 1 day a fortnight in the main dealers for faults they can;t fix unless I point out and demonstrate a solution to them!!!

Did I mention its the same main dealer that
1. serviced my 1.8 Freelander and didn't fill it with oil,
2. 2nd time didn't fit the oil filler cap so I lost it and half the oil over the engine/bonnet interior,
3. Fitted a cargo liner instead of a load space cover because they got the parts number wrong,
4. Didn;t sell my dad his Range-Rover because they were too busy7bto fax him the order to sign,
5. Delivered a new Freelander to my then girlfriend covered in scratches and marks AFTER it had been valetted and Supaguarded,
6. Took 2 days to service my dads 1.8, but never told us they were keeping it, so it resulted in two wasted journeys to collect it.

the list goes on and now I am really depressed, but as they're the nearestr one to where we live and work its also the most convenient and we have just kept going back. Hmm, think I have now made my mind up Wink

Cheers H

Post #358 15th Jun 2006 7:48 am
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Very Annoyed

Member Since: 19 Feb 2006
Location: Surrey seems to be the hardest word!
Posts: 87

I hope we'll find the new Freelander is a totally different beast - new owners of LR and all that! As for your dealer, a little call to LR customer services might help but in the end only a change to another dealer will really help your situation, which I know would inconvenince you. RRS 2.7 TDV6 HSE Zambezi silver, Alpaca, Privicy Glass, Sun roof, PTI, Tasmod's sills, DVD for the offspring, Sex on wheels! RRSPORT.CO.UK sticker on back window! S/C grill & Vents, Front & Rear Lamp Guards, Driving lamps and mud in places you wouldn't believe!
D3 for the wife - No extras! (she has to earn them!)

I like Boobies!!!!

Post #359 15th Jun 2006 9:35 am
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Member Since: 25 May 2006
Location: Derby
Posts: 125

United Kingdom 2012 Freelander 2 TD4 GS Manual Santorini Black

Just read your footer - nice car Wink

I must admit I gave up on LR Customer Care. My 1.8 Freelander started to misfire and stutter so I called out LR Assist. the mechanic turned up and remarked that he "didn't realise they fitted that engine in these". Then he electrocuted himself on a HT lead during 'diagnsis'.

Basically where the four HT leads enter the top of the engine is a small cover, vibration and movement cause this to rub against the leads until the insulation rubs off and they short out onto the cylinder head.

There was nothing he could do as they don;t carry parts and being a Saturday my LR dealer wouldn 't open the stores to get a set of new leads out. Seeing asi had to be in Kent, I booked it into a dealer there and unbder the guidance of LR Assist, fitted some Halfords replacement leads just to get me through the weekend.

On the Monday I arrived at the Kent dealer, they fitted new leads and gave me the Halfords ones as spares should it happen again. I filled in the forms and left, noting that the old LR leads were still in the car, the dealer told me I could just throw them away as they were no use.

Three months I swapped it for a new Td4 and simultaneously recieved a call from kent dealer requesting immediate payment for the leads. Apparently because I had no returned the faults parts to them I could not claim them as faulty under the warranty. obviously I refused and said it was there fault not mine. This had no efffect and they then said that I had betrayed their trust, that I had persoannly insulted the Service Manager becvause he had gone out of his way to befriend me and offer unparalled service, etc. etc. and that they would be instructing their solicitors to recover the debt.

I rang LR Customer Care and explained the situation, they remarked that they would have intervened and help me if I still had the vehicle but as I had got rid they would not. I pointed out that I had chopped it for another LR as brand loyalty. They refused, I phoned my solicitor and then told the dealership that I was no longer going to communicate wuth them on the matter any more discussions must go through my solicitor who is now appoiunted to act upon my behalf.

That was it, never heard a thing and they dropped the whole case.

Inknow I have probably just been on the recieving end of the minor percent of people a dealer annoys, but like anything if they annoy you, you walk away and go elsewhere, teleling as many people as possible!

If I lived elsewhere I would use another dealer, vbut living and working in Derby, its my nearest and is far more convenient than Notts, Leicester or Chesterfield. All of those involve a 1hour trip each way. The Derby dealer is literally a stomes throw from my office.

Love the cars, cant stand the dealers Wink

Cheers H

Post #360 15th Jun 2006 11:38 am
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Very Annoyed

Member Since: 19 Feb 2006
Location: Surrey seems to be the hardest word!
Posts: 87

harveyg77 - are you regularly inflicted with bad luck? When you take a walk on a sunny day is there always a black cloud above your head? I pity you but I think your dealer need shooting. Best of luck but if I was you I would still get the new Freelander - it will be a great car! RRS 2.7 TDV6 HSE Zambezi silver, Alpaca, Privicy Glass, Sun roof, PTI, Tasmod's sills, DVD for the offspring, Sex on wheels! RRSPORT.CO.UK sticker on back window! S/C grill & Vents, Front & Rear Lamp Guards, Driving lamps and mud in places you wouldn't believe!
D3 for the wife - No extras! (she has to earn them!)

I like Boobies!!!!

Post #361 15th Jun 2006 1:26 pm
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Member Since: 25 May 2006
Location: Derby
Posts: 125

United Kingdom 2012 Freelander 2 TD4 GS Manual Santorini Black

If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all Wink

Cheers H

Post #362 15th Jun 2006 3:26 pm
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