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Member Since: 26 Dec 2014
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United Kingdom 2014 Freelander 2 SD4 GS Auto Orkney Grey
What's your worst automotive related injury?

Amusing thread from another forum Im on:-

Just came up with this topic now, for those who love tinkering with cars.

Somewhere along the line injury's are going occur, Oh yes I've had some good once even some landing me in hospital.

What's your worst automotive related injury you had tinkering with motors?
I'll start:

Rust in my eye replacing a Mini floor pan. hospital to have fragments of rust removed with anesthetic to eye.
Cut my thumb with a Stanley knife fitting speakers to another Mini requiring stitches.
Dropped a Discovery Watts linkage on my head while underneath fitting it.
Smacked myself up the face with a trolley jack handle causing black eye.
Best of all, working at a trailer, welding it I sat on a 4 1/2” angle grinder sitting on the ground disc upwards. It started, grinding a hole in my overalls, jeans, boxers and arse! It was f’ing sore and I didn’t half get up quickly! Bad abrasion rather than cut, didnt seek hospital treatment for that one! Whistle Landrover - turning owners into mechanics since 1948

2014 Orkney grey Freelander SD4 GS.
2004 Zambezi silver Discovery 2 Td5 (Gone)
1963 Surf blue Morris Mini Minor Super de Luxe (my little toy)

Post #351513 14th Jun 2018 5:20 pm
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Member Since: 11 Sep 2016
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England 2007 Freelander 2 i6 HSE Auto Santorini Black

I've been very lucky, usual cuts and bruises, bashed knuckles etc.
Mate of mine was very lucky when he thought it would be a good idea to fit spring compressors before putting the springs in place Shocked , you'll never guess what happened!!!! a chunk out of his forehead and a broken set of glasses later, visit to A&E for a check up, three stiches and some aspirin. Could have been so bad. Common sense isn't very common.
2007 Land Rover Freelander2 I6 hse Auto

Post #351516 14th Jun 2018 5:41 pm
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Member Since: 16 Apr 2017
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United Kingdom 2012 Freelander 2 TD4 HSE Manual Firenze Red

Had lots of trips to the hospital to get rust etc washed out of my eyes from grinding , working underneath cars etc. Burst 2 fingers open when working on a mini when spinning the rear wheel to check for a noisy bearing and my hand went in the gap between the wheel and the subframe which isn`t really hand sized! But worst one was when I hit myself in the face with a scaffolding pole which I was using as extra leverage whilst trying to undo the rear spring u bolts on a Scammell Explorer. Broke my nose and had 4 days in hospital as a result. All that was many years ago but I did manage a 4 day stay in hospital a couple of years ago when I cut my knee open with a chainsaw whilst doing some gardening! There was probably lots more that I have forgotten about! Luckily no lasting problems from any of my mishaps! Thumbs Up

Post #351517 14th Jun 2018 5:48 pm
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Steve D

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As an apprentice, I was trying to remove a half shaft from an axle using a slide hammer. It just wouldn’t budge. I had a break, grabbed hold of the slide and gave it one almighty pull. Unfortunately I had my hand around the slide and it mashed the top of my finger. It popped open and what looked like intestines came out. Had to get it all stitched up but the worse bit was when they had to clean the grease out of it. It stung a bit! Past: FL2 TD4 HSE Auto
Evoque SD4 Dynamic Lux Auto
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Post #351524 14th Jun 2018 6:45 pm
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Building a concrete base for a pal's new garage, I was starting the mixer and the removable crank handle removed itself as I was heaving it round and went off into orbit somewhere. On the way back down it went through my wrist. Fifty years later I still have a scar that predicts rain by going itchy. Everyone can spread it - Anyone can catch it. Stay home - the life you save can be your own!

Post #351528 14th Jun 2018 6:57 pm
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Member Since: 11 Apr 2018
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When replacing a spring on a truck,why would anyone stick a finger in the spring hanger hole, to check alignment?

Especially when the spring could drop any second and slice off your finger Shocked

Post #351529 14th Jun 2018 6:59 pm
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Yorky Bob

Member Since: 28 Apr 2015
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Does rolling one over count ? Shocked FL2 MY10 TD4 GS traded in at 2 years
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Post #351580 15th Jun 2018 3:00 pm
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Member Since: 11 Apr 2018
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Yes.....please tell

Post #351586 15th Jun 2018 5:58 pm
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Member Since: 13 Dec 2007
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United Kingdom 2014 Freelander 2 SD4 SE Auto Firenze Red

Car pulled out of side junction and drove over my motorbike (I was 19). I suffered a compound tibia and fibula fracture. 6 weeks in hospital, 4 operations and a 21 screw plate. Developed osteomyelitis and had the plate out after 5 months. several weeks later the tibia fractured again whilst shopping. Because of the infection I remained in a full length leg plaster cast for 11 months. The leg never fully recovered, it was 2 years before I could press a clutch peddle down. Now, some 50 years later , Im developing arthritic changes in the ankle due slight angulation of the tibia.

When one hears of people being seriously injured in car crash we rarely think about how they may be permanently damaged. Jules

Last edited by jules on 15th Jun 2018 11:10 pm. Edited 1 time in total

Post #351589 15th Jun 2018 6:08 pm
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Yorky Bob

Member Since: 28 Apr 2015
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United Kingdom 2013 Freelander 2 TD4 GS Manual Firenze Red

Better not but the car was sold to me by my fellow apprentice then who in later life won the RAC Rally a few times navigating. Told this one before, I navigated on his first rally, once was enough after going through a hedge. Whistle FL2 MY10 TD4 GS traded in at 2 years
FL2 MY13 TD4 GS Current

Post #351590 15th Jun 2018 6:14 pm
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Member Since: 13 Jun 2016
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United Kingdom 2007 Freelander 2 i6 HSE Auto Sumatra Black

Usual cuts and bruises,scraped knuckles full of dirt and grease , swarf removed from right retina from angle grinding - bloody sore, had to be cut out.
Decided to Nitromors the rear load bed of my IIa Lightweight. Went to jump out the back but caught my trailing leg on the top of the closed tailgate. Next thing I remember I was in hospital having an x-ray for a suspected fractured skull. Lucky enough my head was ok and I just had concussion - oh, and 2 broken wrists.Turns out I'd knocked myself unconscious when my head hit the Nato tow hitch and the broken wrists because I'd put both my hands out a split second before to stop my fall. Felt really stupid in the pub later that evening. Ordered a pint but couldn't pick it up off the bar ! Had to get someone else to take it to my table and had to drink it through a straw Shocked
Did my back in New Years Eve after collecting a set of Evoque alloys. The vendor just threw them in the back of the Freelander. So, mad, I yanked them out again, pulling my back in the process. By the time I got home , I was in so much pain I couldn't get out of the motor. Upshot was I spent virtually the whole of last January on my back.

Post #351592 15th Jun 2018 7:25 pm
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Member Since: 09 Dec 2009
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Pronounced dead at the scene !

I had always had very low blood pressure, riding side by side on motorbikes going through lights, Censored up lorry driver goes through lights on red. Upshot I passed through the gap between the cab and the trailer and landed on my head - out cold. Barry was trapped under his bike, under the drive wheels of the cab after ripping a hole in the lorry fuel tank - still awake and screaming. First ambulance turns up, checks pulse - this ones dead possible broken neck. Go see the live one, second ambulance arrives to give a hand. Meanwhile I wake up, stagger across the junction and collapse again behind a hedge. eventually scene is cleared, each ambulance crew thinks the other has me, police turn up at parents house "Your son is dead, but we can't find the body - here are is personal belongings".

I wake up some time later, walk 20 miles home, to a very cool reception.

Some months later, new bike, shattered both arms, plated - and boy can you tell when it's cold and damp Tangiers Orange - gone, missing her
Replaced by Ewok what a mistake - now a happy Disco Sport owner

Post #351609 16th Jun 2018 11:23 am
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Member Since: 28 Jun 2007
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My worst is Decapitation

Every time they call regarding a accident thats the injury i received

in real life, whiplash or a paper cut when i reached in my wallet to fetch the credit card Former Mod/Member, with the most post & Chicken George Arch nemesis

Post #351624 16th Jun 2018 9:43 pm
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Member Since: 26 Dec 2014
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United Kingdom 2014 Freelander 2 SD4 GS Auto Orkney Grey

Andy131 wrote:
Pronounced dead at the scene !

I had always had very low blood pressure, riding side by side on motorbikes going through lights, Censored up lorry driver goes through lights on red. Upshot I passed through the gap between the cab and the trailer and landed on my head - out cold. Barry was trapped under his bike, under the drive wheels of the cab after ripping a hole in the lorry fuel tank - still awake and screaming. First ambulance turns up, checks pulse - this ones dead possible broken neck. Go see the live one, second ambulance arrives to give a hand. Meanwhile I wake up, stagger across the junction and collapse again behind a hedge. eventually scene is cleared, each ambulance crew thinks the other has me, police turn up at parents house "Your son is dead, but we can't find the body - here are is personal belongings".

I wake up some time later, walk 20 miles home, to a very cool reception.

Some months later, new bike, shattered both arms, plated - and boy can you tell when it's cold and damp

Absolutely classic! Im sure your parents and the police were so pleased that the "body" had turned up Laughing

My worst is Decapitation

Every time they call regarding a accident thats the injury i received

My response to those calls is "F'ing hell, that was quick, how did you know? The fire brigade are still cutting me out of the car" Rolling with laughter Landrover - turning owners into mechanics since 1948

2014 Orkney grey Freelander SD4 GS.
2004 Zambezi silver Discovery 2 Td5 (Gone)
1963 Surf blue Morris Mini Minor Super de Luxe (my little toy)

Post #351631 17th Jun 2018 9:04 am
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Member Since: 07 Dec 2014
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United Kingdom 2007 Freelander 2 TD4 HSE Auto Stornoway Grey

Mowog wrote:
When replacing a spring on a truck,why would anyone stick a finger in the spring hanger hole, to check alignment?
Especially when the spring could drop any second and slice off your finger Shocked

When I was an apprentice I was working in a bus maintenance depot in liverpool and one of the older guys did exactly this.
He was having a problem aligning a leaf spring and in frustration stuck his finger in and the spring dropped.
In the canteen later we were all discussing this accident and the young girl behind the counter overheard he had cut his finger off, she cringed and said....oooooww his whole finger and fast as anything one of the guys the one next to it.

Joe Fix it until it's broke !

Post #351632 17th Jun 2018 9:29 am
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