Member Since: 27 Jul 2014
Location: over by Cardiff
Posts: 294
I would summarise as this:
1) mechanically it is bettter to change the oil more frequently, there are no benefits to keeping used oil in circulation, as lubrication qualities diminish with both time as a loss of oil stability and pick up of particulates.
2) The benefit of changing oil and filters is most likely to become apparent with higher age / mileage than what I assume you'll keep the car (it is a sad fact that the second hand user in 15 years will reap what you sow now, and a great many don't care what the car will be like in 15 years unless they plan on keeping it, and why should they).
3) If you are not keeping the car to high mileage (I don't know how many miles you do pa) and if you don't plan on keeping it for a great many years then you are very unlikely to see the cost benefit ratio in your favour.
4) Oil will be changed as part of both A and B services, which will be done on either a time or a mileage limit, so in about 6 months in your case.
5) Of all the components on the FL2 which could do with attention / upgrades prematurely, the engine is the least needy, as can be seen on this forum. Save your money for a new battery, earthing cable, rear diff repair, wheel bearings etc.
24th Mar 2015 11:06 pm |