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Landy andy

Member Since: 31 Jan 2012
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Thanks Andy131, so I can remove this large rubber bung, and hard wire electrics to bypass this connector, and that will solve the problem. Or am I misunderstanding the above comments?


Post #204818 27th Oct 2013 5:41 pm
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Member Since: 09 Dec 2009
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Remove bung and you are faced with the connector -----

get a copy of the bulletin and modify wiring to suit.

or link out the outer two sets of wires with 500 ohm resistors to get you home ---

Click image to enlarge

This is my adapter made by butchering an old fuel sender. Tangiers Orange - gone, missing her
Replaced by Ewok what a mistake - now a happy Disco Sport owner

Post #204834 27th Oct 2013 7:00 pm
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middle two pins go to the fuel pump Tangiers Orange - gone, missing her
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Post #204836 27th Oct 2013 7:02 pm
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Took my car to stealer today and told them I have a problem with the senders. Had the same response as npinks whereby they have to do diagnostics first, then see what happens. I told them its not a software issue, its a mechanical issue but they say LR won't authorise warranty work if there's an outstanding update. They rang at 4.30 to say all done. "We've done a software update - �120 please"
So off I stormed to the stealer and I think they knew I wasn't a happy bunny because when I got there they had managed to give a discount because they didn't spend a full hour on it and I now owed �68. They also didn't charge for the courtesy car (�12) which isn't included for software updates now I am on the extended warranty. Rolling Eyes

I had a long talk with them and to give them their dues I quoted the not working update on this thread, and they accepted that one didn't work but my car (2010 index but 2011 facelift) had a code error they hadn't seen before, and they checked it with LR who said it was relevant to a fairly small VIN range and was for the 'showing half full' fuel issue not the erratic 'up and down' issue. LTB00433 V2 is today's fault code and it has been around since May 2013.

It's working at the moment, and if it breaks again they said they will refund this charge, so I suppose that's fair enough, but I won't hold my breath.

Post #205872 4th Nov 2013 7:33 pm
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Member Since: 01 Nov 2012
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Unnecessary quote removed

Hi Andy131,

From time to time I get the same issue, gauge drops to empty position.

Where can I get the rewiring bulletin?
I can find only this one:
Why have you used exactly 500Ohm resistors?

Thank you!

Post #208002 20th Nov 2013 11:39 am
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The fuel gauges read between 50 and 1000 ohm so 500 seems a good midway figure.
If you look at the resistors I fitted they are only 150 ohm, they still work, they were the closest that I had in the garage when I needed them. Tangiers Orange - gone, missing her
Replaced by Ewok what a mistake - now a happy Disco Sport owner

Post #208007 20th Nov 2013 11:49 am
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Member Since: 01 Nov 2012
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Right, but that would mean that the gauge stays frozen at approximately half tank full, no metter how much fuel is in.
Do you know if the resistance goes up or down when the tank gets filled? If it goes up, we could put 100Ohm as just a base. I would imagine that onboard computer drops the engine power in case if it registers that the tank is compeltely empty, if it stays a bit above the minimum it will not do that.
Honestly I got that only once that the engine was loosing power, when I keept driving on a highway and when the gauge did not come back on its own, after maybe 15 minutes the car started slowing down.

Post #208011 20th Nov 2013 12:15 pm
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995 ohm empty

51 ohm full

read from an old gauge in the garage Tangiers Orange - gone, missing her
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Post #208016 20th Nov 2013 12:52 pm
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Censored Big Cry

Post #208022 20th Nov 2013 1:50 pm
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When the engine management system thinks there is very little fuel left it will reduce power, when it thinks there is so little fuel that you are in danger of running the tank dry, it will cut the engine.

This is to stop you having to bleed the system, which can be Censored , and not something you would want to do at the side of the road.

In theory an excellent control stratergy, especially as fuel gauges are a mature technology, so they shouldn't go wrong Shocked
In practice Big Cry poor wiring, poor installation, cheap components, don't help. Then there is the fact that it is fitted to an off-road vehicle, which do suffer impact damage to the underside (well mine does), not having an override to limp home, is unforgivable.

Hence my get you home plug. Tangiers Orange - gone, missing her
Replaced by Ewok what a mistake - now a happy Disco Sport owner

Post #208029 20th Nov 2013 3:24 pm
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Hi all
Thought I'd try to make my first post a constructive one. I filled the tank on my my10 td4 about a week ago and when I went to drive it about an hour latter the gauge had dropped to exactly half. It didn't worry me so much until I had a dig through the forum and read about the limp mode/non starting. Anyway as a start, I refilled it so that I knew where the needle should be and did an electronic flush by way of disconnecting the batt for ten minutes. Reconnected and the gauge returned to full instantly and is currently reading correctly a few days and 300km latter. Will repost as and when this shows itself again.

Post #212623 2nd Jan 2014 11:08 am
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I know software has already been mentioned as being unreliable solution before inevitably having to replace senders and dismantling the rear underside of the vehicle to do so, but I had the "Half Full" syndrome strike my Sept/10 built MY11 HSE SD4 recently and this was fixed in an hour with a software update at the dealer.

Here's the detail from the job sheet:

"Checked for faults & tech bulletins, found tech bulletin LTB00433V2, instrument pack software update for fuel gauge reading incorrect. Carried out software update from BM52-10849FC/BM52-14C226FB/BM52-14C026AF to BM52-14C026AF/BM52-14C25AA/BM52-14C088FF. Tested, all OK."

This might help some.

Post #214119 18th Jan 2014 1:46 am
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Aussie Battler

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It is not a software problem

I had exactly the same problem and took it to LR dealer I Darwin and they told me it was a software problem and that they reset dash program .At this time I will point out that the LR dealership is really a mitsubishi dealership and are not very interested in Landrovers.
The reset worked for about a week then on the first day 1000km into a 3000km trip problem started again with the vechicle alarming to shut down with half a tank of fuel left .At that time we were about 200km from nearest fuel station or anything else for that matter .Luckly we were carring 40ltr of diesel and by filling up tank got to Tennent Creek where I contacted LR road side assist. they were very helpful and told me they would organise a tow truck and take the vechicle to nearest dealer,I pointed out that the nearest dealer was 500km away at Alice Springs,no worries was the answer we will organise accomadation for you as well .However I explained that by keeping the tank above half thegauge worked and would we void any warranty by continuing. The answer came back that provided there were no other alarms or warnings it would be ok .
Two days later contacted LR dealers in Geelong in Victoria and they new of the problem and checked the vechicle ordered the new fuel tank sender unit fitted it a couple of days later no problems what so ever and have not had a single issue since.When I asked the service manager about the problem he said a service bulletion had been issued about this and there were a series of tests to confirm it

Post #214122 18th Jan 2014 6:34 am
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Member Since: 09 Dec 2009
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There are obviously at least two different problems with the same effects.

Mine has not had any software updates (to my knowledge), the fuel gauge played up, I changed the senders and have not had an issue with the fuel gauges since.
Others have had a software "fix" and have had no issues since.
It's possible that some are just faulty connections - a real easy fix that should be the first port of call - just lift the seat, remove the bung and check the tank connector.

Here's the rub, I have had the old gauges out and can find no fault, I have tested them both dozens of times and still no fault, then again the original fault appeared infrequently, lets say once a week (time is a great healer), so testing for a couple of hours might not be a fair comparison.
Was it the action of changing them that caused the effects to go away? ie were they badly wired, badly installed (bent, overtight cable ties, etc). Or did they have slightly different components such as floats, tracks, wipers, connectors?

Easy to see why it would appear that the dealers are fobbing you off:
First visit - check connection.
Second visit - software.
Third visit - rip back off car off and change sensors.
Meanwhile, you have been stranded three times, on the back of a low loader three times, lost three days pay, and possibly lost your vehicle for over a week. Mad Tangiers Orange - gone, missing her
Replaced by Ewok what a mistake - now a happy Disco Sport owner

Post #214150 18th Jan 2014 1:55 pm
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Member Since: 28 Aug 2014
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United Kingdom 2011 Freelander 2 SD4 HSE Auto Stornoway Grey
Stranded by the fuel gauge

First post on here
Just purchased a 2011 SDE HSE and filled it to the brim, pressed the mileage button to see how far I got on my first full tank
In 7 days I am 320 miles into this tank full of diesel and a good 1/4 of a tank left I was feeling pretty chuffed
I stopped 1/2 mile from home to give way to an oncoming car and the engine cut out
Had to push my car to the side of the road and park up
Within 1 hour the Landrover Assist man had checked the level on the gauge, sampled my diesel, added a can of diesel to the tank, charged my battery, and we set off the dealer in Chesterfield
A day later I'm told the tank connector has been ordered
Waiting with trepidation to see what happens next
Alan xxx

Post #233942 5th Sep 2014 8:26 pm
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