Member Since: 28 Sep 2012
Location: Ashford
Posts: 197

Hello all,
As we all know, the sudden and unexplained warm British weather has caused us all to use our aircon / airvents more. I noticed my drivers side, middle vent wasn't as powerful as it should be, so stripped it all down to have a look. I found the 20cm plastic bar which runs from the front open / close dial to the large flap at the back of the vent was missing, I can only presume it fell off down inside the dash board.
So, as you do, went to my local dealers, who to be fair, were very helpful and who said I needed to buy part number LR032937 FOR £53
I only need the plastic bar, not the whole frecking vent!
After trying breaking yards, they would only sell me the whole front facia unit for £40
Has anyone got a spare plastic bar they are willing to donate / sell me?
16th Jul 2013 9:47 am |