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chicken george

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at last the perfect job for pinky selling railway tickets in a station with no passengers,don a tin foil hat then type on the forum all day At work
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"I can't always believe facts I read on the web" - Charles Dickens

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Post #177979 30th Mar 2013 8:50 am
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Just as if the USA wouldn't retaliate if fired upon Rolling with laughter

Being in direct conflict with China implies that despite NK opening fire and killing innocent people, they would publicly stand up for NK and support their actions and make it known to the USA that they are allies with NK. Utter rubbish!

The USA will have developed advanced weaponry on this EMP front that they won't have revealed publicly. Element of surprise and all that. NK destroys one base, the yanks will take out an NK base but with greater firepower.

I also read somewhere that some of the US latest aircraft such as the F22 Raptor is resistant to EMP attacks 60 plate SD4 XS, Stornoway Grey, Arm rest pack

Post #177983 30th Mar 2013 9:06 am
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The Doctor

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It's just escalated again. North Korea has said they are at war with the South.

But Papa Smurf, Taz and Kal. Perhaps the US aren't as daft as we think. Perhaps they acknowledge the power of NK and potential support and rather than look for retaliation, they will look for public condemnation from China and maybe Russia too. Best thing for the US would be for China to publicly warn NK about their actions and publicly support a proportionate military response.

Say what you like about US but surely NK wouldn't take on China? LL.B (Hons) - University of Derby
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Post #177986 30th Mar 2013 9:19 am
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hmmm, I could have put that better, I don't believe the US would retaliate in the expected way, certainly they would defend their bases that goes without saying but there wouldn't be a retaliation by flattening NK with greater fire power, the region is too politically sensitive, that's just my take on things. I also don't beleive the South Koreans would be too happy with that either as ultimately the want reunification not a neighbouring wasteland, there are many financial interests of the South in the North of the country.

EMP is a fascinating technology/natural phenomena, the survivors in that type of scenario would be the impoverished North Koreans, they have very little infrastructure that would be affected, the power goes off frequently for them, in the South absolutely everything you interact with has some form of electronic gizmo, the chaos would be incomprehensible.

Lets hope the young pretender doesn't rise to the goading from the generals and keeps his toys in the box.

Just seen your post Doctor, they are saying they are at war but this is just word games, since 1953 they effectively have always been as there was no ceasefire.

Last edited by taztastic on 30th Mar 2013 9:34 am. Edited 1 time in total

Post #177987 30th Mar 2013 9:31 am
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papa smurf

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Let just hope it do's not move to all out war.. The U.S would have no other way to win a war in Korea other than to use a nuke.. with UK US and its allies it can field an army of 2.5 million troops that includes TA and reserves ..that is if we are not fighting any wear else ,which we are so we can field 1.8 million... North Korea can field army of 1.5 million that is not counting the population that can be mobilised .. china can field an army of 1 billion.. China would not sit a side it did not in 1950 and i dont believe it would now... plus with world economy we could not afford a long protracted war...

China will never public tell NK off that would be losing face... and if you know any thing about asian customs its all about face,...

NK would not defy China ,they support NK and is seen as big brother...

UN came worse of in the 50 -53 war.. Once again another country that was split in half due to US foreign policy and fear at that time.. Iain

Post #177988 30th Mar 2013 9:32 am
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Whilst china is communist this is purely in political sense, they are extremely capitalist! Whilst CN are 'allies' with NK they sell very little into the country. The west is solely responsible to CN's economic prosperity, to side with NK would be economic suicide.

I see 2 things happening, CN slapping NK down and telling them to wind their neck in. OR the Hollywood version of CN jumping on the band wagon and having a little bit of invasion action, they're running out of iron and precious metals and they're only going to keep buying them for so long. Michael Bay will prob direct the movie version ;0)

Post #177990 30th Mar 2013 9:50 am
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The Doctor

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Seems like China are the key here. NK don't care about the USA and will happily go head to head but it seems NK would be very concerned if China condemned them and cut support. LL.B (Hons) - University of Derby
LOT (Lord of Time) - University of Gallifrey

Post #177991 30th Mar 2013 9:53 am
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papa smurf

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Dont forget U.K and U.S need China's money and the fact they owen a lot of business .. metal rubber can be got from russian and vietnamese ..

The easy way to put this to bed.. It would not be in public interested for any nation to go to war... there is no winners in war just losers ... Iain

Post #177992 30th Mar 2013 9:56 am
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Big Dave

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North Korea are just giving it large to sound like their tough.

Proof in the pudding...tour operators to N.K are ramping up the amount of tours this year.

Also, state owned N.K airline is putting on more international flights this year than ever before.

America made the mistakes in the last war, if it does escalate I imagine they'll come down like a ton of bricks.

My money's on it being nothing more than a spoilt little boy that doesn't know when to shut up (or make friends, wipe his arse etc) Mine: 2012 Golf GTI Edition 35
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Post #178002 30th Mar 2013 11:46 am
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I think it will all die down again in a few weeks. North Korea is a threat however if it really came down to it North Korea would lose as the USA would Nuke the country but only if North Korea attack them first. The dictator in NK is acting tough and hopefully the sanctions put him in his place ( he's acting like a child ). When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car

Post #178038 30th Mar 2013 4:41 pm
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