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papa smurf

Member Since: 25 Sep 2012
Location: Brighton
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United Kingdom 2008 Freelander 2 TD4 HSE Auto Santorini Black
Insurance taking the bleep

OMG talk about stupid ,phoned my insurance company to find out how much it would cost to cover my new FR2 HSE 08 ,they said it would be another �80 .I dint think that was to bad as I was going up from a 1.6 to a 2.2, and from a small family TOY Censored car to a 4x4..But being a tight ass i went on line to 1 of them compare sites to find that the same company I am with ,was giving it to me �5 cheaper than what I'v payed for Toy Censored .So straight on the phone to them to be told yes that is a new customer price, but because I was already with them I would have to pay admin fee to change policy ..So you can see were this is going,I told them that I would be cancelling the policy ,to witch they said thats fine but there be a �55 admin fee for that... After I explained to that person that I would be cancelling the policy and taking out the other 1 as it was cheaper she said there be a �12 fee but as I was already a customer they would waver I got my insurance cheaper than what I have now..

How the hell do these Insurance company work is way over my head Shocked ,Ive now in rolled in a college course "rocket science" it seems easier to understand than insurance company.. Iain

Post #174152 5th Mar 2013 12:16 am
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Big Dave

Member Since: 22 Nov 2009
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Insurance is definitely a law to itself.

I have had in the past a situation where you get a quote, then later that day had the quote change without any change to the details. Well known fact that insurers charge high at renewal time.

My top tip for insurance, avoid any admiral group company (admiral, elephant, diamond) like the plague.

I'd actually prefer to pay the extra the NFU charge for the service, but I'm not in a rural area at the moment Sad Mine: 2012 Golf GTI Edition 35
Family's: 2009 Freelander 2 HSE TD4 Auto, Stornoway

Yorkshire - God's County

Post #174194 5th Mar 2013 12:01 pm
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Member Since: 10 Jun 2012
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I've just renewed with L+V, never had a problem with them and have always come back with a good renewal price. Black MY2013 SD4 GS Auto, Wood Company Armrest, Freel2 sticker.
Gone MY2010 Freelander 2 Manual TD4.e S, Alaska White.

Post #174205 5th Mar 2013 12:56 pm
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Chris 22

Member Since: 14 Jan 2013
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Ah - the chance to name names!
Took delivery of a 2007 Freelander 2 in January trading in my 2003 Freelander 1 so I am now living in a world of comfort and technical excellence - not that the Freelander 1 was bad - they are just not in the same league.
Change the insurance over I thought and tried to phone my insurer Sureterm Direct but could not get through to customer services. So I tried sales - no, they could not help me - I must speak to customer services who still did not answer "we are experiencing a high volume of calls" more like a low volume of help-desk staff.
So I did the old compare the market thingy as there was only 6 weeks to run on the old policy - and got the newer, bigger, faster car insured cheaper through Privilege.
Problem was I had to contact Sureterm Direct to get confirmation of my no-claims history - which they would not release until I paid a �50 penalty for terminating the contract early. Yes, they were within their rights - it was in the smallprint - but it doesn't make it any easier to swallow.
So stand up and take a bow Sureterm Direct you got your �50 but how much will you lose?
A wise man in customer relations once told me that if you please a customer with your service he may tell another person about his experience. If you upset a customer he will make sure he tells 10 people about his experience - but in these days of internet who knows how many people will know? Freelander 2 i6 3200 Petrol
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Post #174261 5th Mar 2013 7:48 pm
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papa smurf

Member Since: 25 Sep 2012
Location: Brighton
Posts: 214

United Kingdom 2008 Freelander 2 TD4 HSE Auto Santorini Black

Its expensive to push a button on a keyboard,strange thing is I'm still with the company because it was cheaper .But I have filled a customer comment card in.. which will be lost...

But good thing is my pride and joy will be covered... Iain

Post #174306 6th Mar 2013 9:12 am
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