Member Since: 21 Sep 2012
Location: Southam, Warwickshire
Posts: 1372

First Electrical Glitch/Gremlin | |
2 Months and 4000 miles on, when switching the engine off this afternoon I got my first 'Engine Performance Reduced' message in the display.
I had just driven 20-odd miles without a hitch, and sure as eggs is eggs, when I switched it back on, no message and no reduced performance to boot.
Is this a typical electrical gremlin on these cars? I've had other Marques that throw a wobbly periodically, so it doesn't concern me too much....just wondered if it's a common issue, and whether or not it would store a fault code off the back of it?
Any input gratefully received. Foraging near Gaydon....
MY13 HSE Lux SD4, Baltic Blue - current, 30,000> miles without fault
MY12 HSE 2.2 SD4, Sumatra Black - gone after 10 months/43,000 fault-free miles
5th Dec 2012 6:33 pm |