Member Since: 09 Apr 2011
Location: Wiltshire
Posts: 1302
"I have read most of OG's saga and as far as I can see it was all caused by a very poor earth connection from the battery which any competent dealer would have picked up fairly quickly."
Quite correct but, there lies the problem !
1st was being told by two dealers they are all like it !
2nd was dealers never listening that something might be wrong !
3rd was enduring so many faults for 3 years until i finally involved L/R MD
4th The real drag of keep returning it time and time again to be told no fault found ! even when I knew there were streams of faults logged in the ECU ! but since found out unless a light is on they Dont plug in to check !
some of the faults ( steering rack, pump, seized rear brakes,turbo, air con pump,evaporator, tow-bar,steering column, diff) were not related to this cable issue, but most were. far too many to list !
Very poor service & support & appalling customer service response has totally put me off the product.
L/R have a serious that's how it is attitude !
Its good to hear good reports of the XF & yes they are 8 speed ! I have to say the build quality makes the FR2 seem like a something built 20 years ago.
RWD is great to have towing & 450NM torque even better. not worried about the snow.
11th May 2012 7:31 am |