Member Since: 12 Mar 2009
Location: RO
Posts: 4642
The videos are biased made.
1. The Wrangler doesn't engage differential locks. With diff. locks it's a cakewalk. The Disco has traction control which does electronically what diff. locks does purelly mechanically. Disable TC on Disco and will behave like the Wrangler.
2. The saying "As slow as possible, as fast as necessary" is not applied in the case of Prado. So it stuck. It is obvious from 0:45 to 1:08. Prado slowly in contrast with Disco with speed. The same for the next climb. As for the last part, as long as you wanted to suspend the car on the belly, you have nothing to do but wait recovery.
I don't have something with Discos, they are great cars, but others are too, if used properly.
3rd Sep 2011 6:17 pm |