Member Since: 04 Sep 2008
Location: Gone
Posts: 707
Thanks, it did stike me I'd not got a photo of the satnav screen in the FL2, but it's in the sticky under modifications.
Having a HSE for 3 months, I got well used to the LR satnav. The Kenwood is a far superior one. Not only do you get a proper 3D view, but an instant MPH, which confirms your actual speed, you can set a speed limiter on it, which flashes red if you go over the limit, you can also download the speed camera database and any other data base you like via a SD slot in the hard disc. You can enlarge to very high detail etc. etc. You can also fit up interior or exterior camera, TV, Traffic Management, DVD, basically anything. I was talking to a LR dealer this week and he acknowledged that the LR satnav was pretty crappy to this kit. All this and you don't invalidate your warranty and no screws, holes etc. Apart from a small Dremmel adjustment to the cubby hole for a D3, which can be simply covered if you ever take it out. Just buy a new rubber mat!
2nd Feb 2010 5:44 pm |