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Member Since: 19 Apr 2020
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United Kingdom 
alarms and battery questions

Hi all new to the forum from the UK, so please bear with me. I would like some information on the Freelander 2 alarm(s) and battery.

First of all how many alarms does the FL2 have? If I press the panic button (hazard button) on the key fob the alarm goes off with all the lights and horn etc. However recently my alarm keeps randomly going off, but it's not the horn going off, just the hazard lights with a high pitched siren. Anybody shed some light as to why this is, is there separate alarms for different reasons/circumstances?. I have no fake door, bonnet or boot open messages, nor ever have (unless I physically open a door lol). Not windy outside, no flies or spiders that I can see, just random.

Someone has suggested that the battery could be low or on its way out. If I take the battery off to check and charge, will I get any problems with the car starting and needing a reset etc? I have read on various forums taking the battery out of the FL2 can cause it to lock the immobiliser (or something to that effect) and it then needs to be reset by Land Rover. I have taken batteries off many vehicles and not had this problem (aside from resetting clocks, radios etc) but thought I would double check on here for clarification to see if the FL2 is any different.

Another thing I have noticed is it seems most common during higher temperature fluctuations (cold nights hot days etc) could that cause the alarm to go off for some reason, never had it with any of my other cars.

I have also read something about a battery backup sounder. Can someone please give me some information on what this does, where it is and if I need to how to replace it. I have searched but I can't find any guides on the subject etc, just people saying alarm problems can be caused by the battery backup sounder.

My car is an 07 plate Freelander 2 GS model if that makes a difference. Only had it 8 months and really loving the car, apart from this slightly annoying intermittent problem.

I have searched for the last few days on various forums but can't find any specific answers that I need so thought I would sign up and ask direct.

Any helpful information will be greatly appreciated, and thank you in advance.

Post #390226 19th Apr 2020 8:06 pm
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Member Since: 01 Mar 2014
Location: Coffs Harbour
Posts: 966


Hi Randomer89 & welcome to the forum.

A simple search on here brings this up.

Good luck with it.

Nick (Now Sold). 2008 Freelander 2 (Nazca Sand) SE TD4 Auto. Statutory write off & on WOVR for hail damage but still road legal.
171037Km as of 09/05/22
Superchips Bluefin Flash
Nanocom Evo II (also sold)

Post #390233 19th Apr 2020 9:19 pm
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Member Since: 29 Jul 2018
Location: Cambridgeshire
Posts: 151

United Kingdom 2008 Freelander 2 TD4 HSE Auto Baltic Blue

This is a classic bonnet lock intermittently setting off the alarm. Fluctuations in temperature seem to make it happen. Possibly because the bonnet expands and contracts. The alarm is not always the full horn blowing sound when this happens. And you will need to be lucky to see the brief "Bonnet Open" warning.
Change the right hand bonnet lock, but make sure it is the newer modified type which was brought in to solve this problem once and for all. Plenty on Ebay.

Post #390253 20th Apr 2020 1:36 pm
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Member Since: 11 Jun 2020
Location: Oxfordshire
Posts: 6

England 2007 Freelander 2 TD4 GS Auto Stornoway Grey
Exact same problem

Hi, thanks for posting the info about the bonnet lock. I've had a look on eBay and sorry if this is s silly question but is it the righthand/drivers side bonnet lock catch, switch or both that I need to replace? Seem to be £15-£25 dependant.

Also, dare I ask, is it easy? Haynes does the usual 'simply....' which normally means remove the engine or some other major component! It states access via the engine bay but to me it looks as though I need to remove the whole front panel to gain access to the catch bolts on the slam panel.

Many thanks

Post #395098 5th Aug 2020 3:48 pm
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Member Since: 29 Jul 2018
Location: Cambridgeshire
Posts: 151

United Kingdom 2008 Freelander 2 TD4 HSE Auto Baltic Blue

Hi sorry for the late reply. Yes change the whole right hand catch. The modified one is so much better than the original. It comes with the switch integral, so you need to replace the whole thing. Remove the right headlight and once the bolts are out the catch can with a struggle be pulled up and out attached to the cable. Swap the cable onto the new catch and reverse the process to fit the new catch.. I marked the position of the old one before starting, just to get the new one in the correct position (the bolt holes are enlarged to give some adjustment).

Post #395204 7th Aug 2020 7:17 pm
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Member Since: 29 Jul 2018
Location: Cambridgeshire
Posts: 151

United Kingdom 2008 Freelander 2 TD4 HSE Auto Baltic Blue

Hi sorry for the late reply. Yes change the whole right hand catch. The modified one is so much better than the original. It comes with the switch integral, so you need to replace the whole thing. Remove the right headlight and once the bolts are out the catch can with a struggle be pulled up and out attached to the cable. Swap the cable onto the new catch and reverse the process to fit the new catch.. I marked the position of the old one before starting, just to get the new one in the correct position (the bolt holes are enlarged to give some adjustment).

Post #395205 7th Aug 2020 8:02 pm
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