Member Since: 10 Sep 2017
Location: Sarf-East London-sur-Mer
Posts: 1635

RealBeale wrote:Car SOS. What a load of !!
Fuzz Townsend's ok, but that Tw4t Tim Shaw needs garrotting. Same old , take someone's car without them knowing (owner must have a sob story as to why they haven't fixed the car, illness, bereavement , no clue how to restore a car etc). Then Fuzz will fix up their absolute rot box while Tim loons around pretending to trick someone in to giving parts away until finally the car is finished and they get Tim to wear a false moustache and pretend to be someone making a documentary/be a museum curator etc, whilst getting the unsuspecting owner to a venue under the guise of telling them a load of BS as to why they should be there, before revealing the showroom like car to the owner who 9 times out of ten just takes it in their stride as if they knew all along their pride and joy was being completely rebuilt.
The early programmes were even worse. Remember one (can't remember exactly which episode ) where the finished car looked mint until it had it's bonnet opened to reveal a very rusty engine bay !
"I bought it to restore 30 years ago, but my back went in a sexual related incident 2 years ago, so I couldn't finish it - or the car." Yep, they had the car for donkey's years before their accident or whatever, did all to it, but for some reason now they're incapacitated, it's imperative that pile of rust now gets restored.
Hey, Car SOS, I've just lost my job. Come and take my Freelander 2 and do all the things to it I always wanted to , but lacked the time, money or motivation to sort it myself before I lost my job. I swear I'll make out I knew nothing about it.
And not even noticed that their pride and joy has been taken away
18th Feb 2020 11:08 am |