Member Since: 09 Dec 2009
Location: Manchester
Posts: 2187

You're not far from that now.
Bosch supply engine management ECU's that are basically the same and are fitted to a range of cars from a range of manufacturers, the manufacturer just tweekes the parameters to suit their application. That's why a LOT of manufacturers have been caught out by the VW dieselgate scandal - they all had a similar cheat operating, but just haven't been found out, eg DS now uses 1 litre of adblue per 1,000miles rather than a fraction of that on the pre-2017 version.
It's the silly stuff like body control modules that tend to be bespoke that are going to be more troublesome - far less of them produced, so far less incentive to reverse engineer, then code a newer module.
Contrary to popular believe software costs, and it costs a lot (Disco sports don't come cheap, and I have to feed it lots of adblue), it's only when you amortise it over several hundred thousand units it becomes pennies per unit - while the material costs stay constant. Tangiers Orange - gone, missing her
Replaced by Ewok what a mistake - now a happy Disco Sport owner
14th Nov 2018 6:16 pm |