Member Since: 05 Mar 2018
Location: Essex, Gower & anywhere inbetween
Posts: 141
The whole family have taken the plunge and, due to special offer at Argos, bought Nextbase 212s with hardwire kits.
Dived in to fit mine and had done a really neat job, used a piggy back on fuse 5 so all should be good.
I needed an earth so, as the fuse board frame was metal, assumed job would be a good'n. Drilled hole, fitted self tapper. Bound up all the wires, stitched up the patient and felt pretty pleased with myself.
I cleaned up and tried the camera but (as some of you will have already worked out) there was no power.
It transpires the fuse board frame isn't earthed after all so I then went looking for a convenient earth.
It looked like the glove box lid would unclip at the hinges so I did just that in my search for an earth. I encouraged the lid out but it caught on a secret stay/damper.
Net result, I broke the retaining clip on the damper - cunning LR design team. I am sure it is dead easy when you know what you are doing.
Now, on top of the camera, hardwire kit, and micro SD card I have had to add £20 to replace the glove box damper.
I did find a nice earth though.
I have replaced the original damper with a zip tie around the pin to hold it in so it works in the short term but only as a temporary fix.
29th May 2018 7:04 pm |