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Member Since: 01 Dec 2014
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Australia 2015 Freelander 2 SD4 HSE Auto Aintree Green

Still havn't heard back from supplier here and I havn't followed up as yet, LVDS GVIF cables;

TIM to touchscreen - C2MM25E to C2MC02JB (Orange highlight)

TIM to IAM - C2MM25C to C2ME05FA (Orange highlight)

Both cables 868mm/918mm respectively I would need to be 1 to 1.5m long to have some room for error as I haven't decided on TIM location as yet.

I did actually go to the head/supervisor LR tech here at the main dealer who put in the request for an overlay harness with origin/destination plug references and he did put a request into JLRA. I feel sorry for the guy as he is very helpful but JLRA are really arrogant here. I've come up against them previously with my DAB retrofit whom told the dealer to close the "technical service request" as it was "impossible" to fit other than during manufacture - we know different, but that's the attitude I face here in AU.

You say that there is a "Generic Link Harness" list 2014 > I'm just wondering how I could access this here in AU. Looks like my only option would be to go through a UK based dealer? I wish i could get my hands on it for future projects!
It's frustrating that this issue holds me back but, hey its half the fun and challenge I suppose Laughing And I always like going back to the dealer and showing them how the impossible is possible. They still can't believe what i've done to date, lol.

In regards to the TIM, did you say that it appears the brown/purple GVIF socket is unused? The Electrical Service Repair Information doesn't show a plug face graphic of the TIM so its a bit vague, lol!

Thanks for your help XDave, I wish I was geographically closer to show my appreciation Thumbs Up Your assistance has been invaluable not only for this project but expanding my knowledge, thank you! Thumbs Up MY15
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Post #298660 14th May 2016 4:56 am
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First some name mappings.

Evogue -> XE
C2MM25E -> C2MM25F at the TIM
C2MM25C -> C2MM25D at the TIM
C2MC02JB -> C2MC02JC at the TS
C2ME05FA -> C2ME03F at the IAM

Write that list down in big letters because it gets a bit confusing to follow here and I need you to double check I have not missed something.

TIM to TS (C2MM25E to C2MC02JB) = C2MM25F to C2MC02JC on XE
On the XE that is 4185mm
Jaguar overlay p/n:
T4N10312 - from connector C2MC02JC to connector C2MM25F

TIM to IAM (C2MM25C to C2ME05FA) = C2MM25D to C2ME03F on XE
On the XE that is 3880mm
Jaguar overlay p/n:
T4N10311 - from connector C2ME03F to connector C2MM25D

Of note,
T4N10314 - from connector C2MM25D to connector C4MN30C
is from C2MM25D still to C4MN30C which is for the various asian navigation modules. The length of that is only 1870mm, but without sight of a navi module I am not sure which colour/key C4MN30C is so it may not be suitable. Normally they don't mix different connectors for these leads, but I cannot guarantee that.

On the TIM, oriented with the LVDS connectors on the right as commonly shown in the schematics, the first one (XE designators) is C2MM25D/blue, then the unused white, then C2MM25F/brown.

Please double check I have not missed a mapping above as after staring at the same numbers for a while they all start to look the same!

Regarding the list of overlays, I use an up-to-date JEPC obtained from some resourceful Russians which retains the searching and online functionality. It is keyed to my machine though so I cannot share it (I can't even copy/paste so please don't ask for the list of all overlays to be typed out! It was not free, but it was not expensive either so PM me if you are interested in obtaining a copy. It cannot cross-reference to LR parts however so I am reliant on web searches to find matches.

Sadly what you found with JLRA is pretty common. It is corporate policy by JLR (and most car manufacturers) to try and prevent modifications to vehicles after sales because they are in the business of selling cars, not parts. A dealer tech who also loves the cars they service is worth his or her weight in gold because they will proactively try and help you retrofit options. I've had mine ask me into their workshop to advise a customer how to retrofit the premium sound to their X Type. JLR would probably raise an admin message to all dealers warning them not to allow that if they knew.

I can understand why they want to sell a new car in its place, but there is a sizable customer base like me, and I'm guessing you, who buys pre-owned and keeps them for life. It's exactly like buying a home and then gradually extending it, putting in nicer furniture, etc. Some people don't understand why I would buy a car and then spend money on things that I will never see a return on. It's not all about the money - enjoying yourself while you can is far more important, and if being able to listen to DAB instead of FM during your commute to work makes you a little bit happier than £200 quid and some scraped knuckles is good value. I do feel car manufacturers are missing a good market by not catering for us - a small team of dedicated after-sales mod staff would likely raise a good income for them.

Post #298688 14th May 2016 12:36 pm
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Member Since: 01 Dec 2014
Location: Perth, Australia
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Australia 2015 Freelander 2 SD4 HSE Auto Aintree Green

No problem with socket/plug naming, all is relatively logical. These days I understand this language better than dealing with JLRA!!!!

I totally agree with what you are saying regarding adding extra features. I get a lot of satisfaction out of adding features, even more so that I've done it. In my situation I was determined to get one of the last L359's but unfortunately AU build MY15's had already been shipped so I only had the choice of un-allocated stock and specification. In hindsight this was a great thing as I would have never gone down this path, and enjoying it!

OK, time for what could only be described as a "dumb" question so forgive me as I don't have a GVIF plug/socket in either brown, white or blue handy!
Firstly, am I correct in the assumption that a blue,white or brown GVIF socket/plug is keyed to only fit in a Plug/socket of corresponding colour?
Secondly, assuming the above, neither the Touchscreen (Blue,white GVIF) or the IAM (Blue GVIF) have a brown GVIF socket!
L359 Designations - C2MC02J (Touchscreen) Blue GVIF LVDS goes to C2ME05F (IAM) Blue GVIF LVDS. The TIM needs to be introduced into this LVDS network, as per electrical schematic, so I will have a brown GVIF plug looking for a home on either the touchscreen or IAM that does not exist? So is my logic sound or is my assumption of key colour coded GVIF not applicable? White GVIF does appear different on module Pic, i can't see from pic any difference between brown & blue GVIF!
I believe the white GVIF socket on the touchscreen is unused as is on the TIM.

Click image to enlarge

Click image to enlarge

In regards to the "Link harness" list, if you wouldn't mind the odd request for information this would be greatly appreciated Thumbs Up MY15
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Post #298722 15th May 2016 3:37 am
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Member Since: 06 May 2016
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The LVDS housings are colour keyed so will only fit in their coresponding colours. It is possible to modify a blue to fit a white or brown easily with a sharp knife to remove the keys. However I think the TIM->IAM cable might be one where they use different colours on each end of the cable. It does make sense when you consider that in some vehicles the TIM is located right next to the IAM. You don't want two identical connectors within reach of each other to avoid assembly errors.

Here is a photo of the whole stack - TS, TIM and IAM. (Annoyingly I placed the TS upside down when I took it, so you need to rotate that 180 degrees for up to be left!)

On some models the white LVDS on the TS is unused. The white LVDS on the TIM is always unused as far as I can tell. The chain currently goes TS blue -> IAM blue, but after the mod will be TS blue -> TIM blue, TIM brown -> IAM blue.

Post #298740 15th May 2016 12:26 pm
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Member Since: 01 Dec 2014
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Australia 2015 Freelander 2 SD4 HSE Auto Aintree Green

Thanks for confirming that XDave Thumbs Up
Most of my bits are still in transit and possibly on B/O so I'm still in the dark with some stuff but that fills in all the gaps.
You look like you all ready to go!! Laughing MY15
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Post #298742 15th May 2016 1:35 pm
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Australia 2015 Freelander 2 SD4 HSE Auto Aintree Green

As I'm waiting for hardware to arrive I've started on the main MS/HS CAN, pwr and ground plug.
I've harvested all the correct pigtails and wiring and it's time to get the soldering iron hot.
Splicing pigtails on to correct colour code, wire thickness.


Heat shrink.

The following pics are what JLR call a "solder joint". This is from factory!
These CAN wires are just "supa glued" together and taped!
I think my solder joins are more than adequate!

Finished result!
Will trim excess once I've located TIM and know how much length is necessary.

I still need to splice/solder on a couple pins to the high speed CAN wires as these go directly into the infotainment plug on the back of the touchscreen. Infact both HS & MS CAN connections will be at the touchscreen. This just leaves ground, easy and power.

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Post #298799 16th May 2016 11:13 am
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Australia 2015 Freelander 2 SD4 HSE Auto Aintree Green

Phone Interface panel turned up today and is the wrong part! This is the last time I place any trust in the local LR parts people here after giving them a full description, pic and Vin - plain incompetence! Evil or Very Mad

The correct part number is LR065679!!!

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Post #298859 17th May 2016 10:54 am
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Stuartc wrote:

Good to see soldering done properly!

I always do the same & also stagger if possible a few cm if there are a few wires for bundling. Procrastination, mankind's greatest labour saving device!

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Post #298860 17th May 2016 11:21 am
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Australia 2015 Freelander 2 SD4 HSE Auto Aintree Green

Worth doing! Worth doing properly Thumbs Up MY15
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Post #298867 17th May 2016 3:04 pm
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Australia 2015 Freelander 2 SD4 HSE Auto Aintree Green

Absolutely stoked this morning after picking up a CAV (Telephone Interface Module) at a very reasonable price and what makes it even better it's the current evolution of the module "AG".
Currently these modules are attracting top price as their new, so this was a bonus.
It even has the harness attached, even though it's been cut, which gives me more spare plugs and pigtail. You can never have enough of these! Laughing
Super pleased!

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Post #299077 21st May 2016 2:06 am
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It even has the harness attached, even though it's been cut

Pigtails - the holy grail for retrofitters! Well done. Smile

Post #299088 21st May 2016 12:25 pm
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Australia 2015 Freelander 2 SD4 HSE Auto Aintree Green

Laughing I knew you would understand!!! Rolling with laughter
I think i'm more excited about the harness and plugs than the module Laughing MY15
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Post #299092 21st May 2016 1:19 pm
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Australia 2015 Freelander 2 SD4 HSE Auto Aintree Green

Link harness between TIM and telephone interface panel arrived today but before I got too excited I needed to verify that pin positioning was correct so out comes the multi meter!

Happy to say that everything checked out and both TIM and Interface have correct pin positions. Only thing left to be 100% sure is to "check" fit cable to TIM and Interface and as I'm still waiting for both will need to wait! But so far so good! Thumbs Up

Whilst I've been waiting I did make an interesting discovery. MY15 Workshop Manual in Topix has a whole section on InControl Apps for L359/Freelander 2 including module location! Shocked

It would appear Land Rover has planned to release MY15 L359 with InControl Apps. As there is documentation on InControl Apps for L359 I'm now going to see if there was a module cradle for L359 (which is under the front passenger seat) and coincidently is the identical location to the Discovery Sport. MY15
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Post #299768 31st May 2016 8:46 am
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Australia 2015 Freelander 2 SD4 HSE Auto Aintree Green

TIM arrived and was able to do a check fit of cable.

I was also able to do a visual check as the TIM came with the harness plugs attached. I can now rule out any doubt about the communications cable being unsuitable.

Need to source a cradle for the module now! MY15
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Post #299988 3rd Jun 2016 1:54 pm
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Australia 2015 Freelander 2 SD4 HSE Auto Aintree Green

Telephone Interface Panel has arrived and thank you to Dan of Duckworths for great service.
Plug fits perfectly and as you can see it's a direct swap for the Freelander 2's USB Interface plate.
So the communications cable and TIM telephone USB plate is ready.

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Post #300217 7th Jun 2016 3:41 am
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