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Member Since: 07 Jun 2008
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Scotland 2012 Freelander 2 SD4 HSE Auto Baltic Blue

CCTV laws are pretty ridiculous Laughing

For instance, you can have a camera pointing directly into someones house. Any room at all, recording whatever may happen.
There is no law preventing you from doing this, but there are laws dictating you cannot publish the footage in the public domain, but its fine to keep it for "personal use" Shocked

I should say, this is in Scotland. rUK has differing laws...

Post #267528 21st Jun 2015 8:14 am
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The Doctor

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The common law of England and Wales does not recognise a specific right to privacy and there is no actionable tort of infringement of privacy. However, the right to privacy is a broad notion which encompasses a variety of more specific rights protected by the common law or by statute, including the right to be left alone, the right to communicate privately, the right not to have personal information published without lawful authority, and rights of access and control over the use of personal information. The torts of defamation and malicious falsehood and the equitable doctrine of breach of confidence also protect interests that contain elements of privacy. The right to be free from arbitrary entries, searches and seizures is an aspect of the general right to liberty, privacy and natural justice.

If you were involved in any dispute before a court, you can ask the court to consider your rights under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights. This gives people a right to respect for a private and family life, home and correspondence. This is a qualified right and is subject to interference from the state providing that interference is in accordance with the derogations of the Article and is proportionate to the legitimate aim. The derogations are national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others. LL.B (Hons) - University of Derby
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Post #267578 21st Jun 2015 1:58 pm
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Member Since: 16 Mar 2010
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Does that mean i should put a sign up then Doc?

Post #267587 21st Jun 2015 2:55 pm
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The Doctor

Member Since: 09 Jul 2010
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Nope. I am unaware of anything that would prevent the police from using it. In fact, I would like to know what your friend has to support this apparent information.

The police obtain footage from places all the time and exhibit the footage and lets face it, many crims are so thick that they can't read anyway. Perhaps the crims are illegal immigrants so now we should have CCTV signs in every language just in case and make sure the sign is well lit in case they break in at night.

Thumbs Up LL.B (Hons) - University of Derby
LOT (Lord of Time) - University of Gallifrey

Post #267614 21st Jun 2015 7:16 pm
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Steve D

Member Since: 19 Jan 2013
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I'm about ready to buy a kit but just need a final bit of advice.

Can any experts on here tell me if this is a reasonable enough kit for my needs? Just to recap, It's only for home use, cameras will be fitted outside under the eaves looking down on my drive/garage/garden and can be viewed when away from the house. I'll be siting the kit in my loft and main viewing will be on an iPad or iPhone. Will use an old telly for playback viewing if ever necessary. Will these unit work together? Will I be able to connect the DVR unit to my powered TV amplifier/splitter in the loft for viewing on the TV's in the house? Reason I want these cameras is that wifey doesn't want bullet type cameras fitted.



Once set up, I can connect the DVR in the loft to my router in the hall by using a powerline kit.

Have I got all that right??????

I know some people don't rate Swann stuff but the one we have in work has been fine for 4 years plus, if I buy it from a shop (Maplins) it's easy to take it back if it goes wrong - I hate returning stuff through the post!

Post #274480 2nd Sep 2015 8:42 pm
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Member Since: 23 May 2014
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Ok, I can't comment on the specific cameras but I will add what I can.

With regards to watching the feed on TVs, I think most Swann kit only has the analogue AV out, which is the standard yellow phono connection. This isn't like an aerial feed that you can split and feed round all the TVs. This needs a direct connection to the back of a TV for live streaming. You may be able to get wireless transmitters though that would help.

You can however use the Swann app to watch a live stream from your iPad or phone or Android device which would get around that issue.

Lastly, with regards to watching it while out of the house, you need 1 of 2 things:

1: a static IP address with your broadband. If you don't know what is you probably don't have one.

2: a router capable of doing DDNS. Most can but they vary in what services they will work with. You need this in order to direct your phone to the feed of the camera. Swann kit works with DynDNS I think and maybe others, but you need to sign up for an account, which may cost. You'd need to check.

The external viewing bit is the tricky bit, but worth it.

Hope that's of some help. FL2 TD4 GS 60 reg Facelift - so many issues
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Post #274486 2nd Sep 2015 9:00 pm
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Guidelines on CCTV use for private individuals

Post #274513 3rd Sep 2015 8:04 am
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Member Since: 13 Jan 2013
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United Kingdom 2007 Freelander 2 TD4 HSE Auto Baltic Blue

Have you read the Maplin review that's been left for that DVR ?

One bit of advice I would give is make sure you have relatively easy access to the lense as you will need to clean it often. When it rains, droplets dry on the lense, it's not a problem during the day, but it will obliterate the night vision. Also spiders like to build webs across the lense to so they need clearing away fairly regulary. 
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Post #274520 3rd Sep 2015 8:30 am
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Steve D

Member Since: 19 Jan 2013
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Chuckalicious wrote:
Lastly, with regards to watching it while out of the house, you need 1 of 2 things:

1: a static IP address with your broadband. If you don't know what is you probably don't have one.

2: a router capable of doing DDNS. Most can but they vary in what services they will work with. You need this in order to direct your phone to the feed of the camera. Swann kit works with DynDNS I think and maybe others, but you need to sign up for an account, which may cost. You'd need to check.

The external viewing bit is the tricky bit, but worth it.

Hope that's of some help.

Thanks. Just phoned up Swann and they confirmed that the DVR I am looking at buying has a code on it that you enter on installation which means that you do not need a satatic IP and that it will work with any UK router (unlike some of their other models). They have confirmed this with a case reference number. They did say though that they 'recommemd' that the DVR is connected to the router with a cable and can't guarantee a good connection using a power line kit. I'll have to take a chance on that - they should work, shouldn't they???

Post #274544 3rd Sep 2015 11:15 am
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Member Since: 02 Aug 2013
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England 2009 Freelander 2 TD4 SE Manual Zermatt Silver

This is a subject close to my heart.

About 6 weeks ago I had £500 of garden furniture nicked. The police in their usual fashion couldn't give a s**t so I ended up buying a camera for outdoors. I decided to get an wifi IP camera and spent around £65. I mounted it close to a hole I had drilled in my wall for a previous satellte installtion so I could get power to it. Had no end of issues with it so sent it back.

The replacement was supposed to be wifi but it was hard wired etherent. I had a wireless extender in cloise proximity so decided to run an etherent cable. This camera is vari focus 1080p. Yes you can spend a hell of a lot on these cameras but this was around £80

Gave the camera a fixed IP and it was all ready to go.

Next challenge was a decent piece of software. Tried loads until I decided on ispy - it's open source and the only limitation over not buying a pro version is really that it doesn't email you alerts. But its got motion sensing etc in it.

As for the quality of the camera. Not bad but certainly not 1080p. Night time vision is very good though. There is quite a bit of tweaking to be done to get the software to talk to the camera and some of these tweaks involve the resolution. I found that if set too high you get occasional interference which creates a recording. The range of the camera is ok as well as I am monitoring a 30ft by 30ft area and the software can be configured to exlude areas, such as trees, which might create a false positive.

Woudl I spend more on a camera in future - yes probably and also get one that is listed in thee softwrae setup rather than a standard ONVIF camera.

Only thing I caught to date is the wife putting the washing out. Oh and the occasional spider who crawls around at night on the lens and looks like some ghost

Now I just need the little beggar who nicked my stuff.

Post #274550 3rd Sep 2015 12:04 pm
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Member Since: 08 Jul 2014
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United Kingdom 2012 Freelander 2 SD4 HSE Lux Auto Zermatt Silver

Hi Steve

Have you had a look at

this will give you full 1080p output, this will do the same as the Swann DVR except its a digital system, therefor the images are going to be miles better, and my experience with CCTV is the better the image the more chance you have at getting an ID on the offender.

Craig MY 2012 HSE LUX
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Post #274567 3rd Sep 2015 2:33 pm
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Steve D

Member Since: 19 Jan 2013
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Thanks Craigius, but I bought it in my way home from work tonight! Going to plug it all in and get it working over the weekend to make sure it works over a power line kit and I can get it on my iPhone/iPad before installing it. Otherwise it's going back!
In all, I've spent £430 for the DVR, 4 cameras and a power line kit and I'll get £80 cashback from Maplins as they are currently running a promotion so if it all works it'll stand me in £350. I said, if it all works!

Post #274581 3rd Sep 2015 6:10 pm
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Member Since: 09 Apr 2011
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United Kingdom 2013 Freelander 2 TD4 GS Manual Baltic Blue

buy with independent infared lamp for night vision.
trouble with the camera's with infared built in is spiders and flies are attracted to the infared and just cover the lens.
Have fun installing.
I had mine about 7 years , no problems etc the spiders on the two camera's with builtin infared. Jaguar x-type sport gone
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Post #274607 3rd Sep 2015 7:37 pm
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Member Since: 23 May 2014
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Unnecessary quote removed

Good point. My 2 cameras were covered too Smile

Fairly confident there's more to it than just scanning a unique code to get it working externally, but I may be wrong. Routers need configuring to open ports etc, although this can be done automatically if you have unpnp enabled. FL2 TD4 GS 60 reg Facelift - so many issues
2019 DS. Terribly unreliable.
Sold DS for a 2021 Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV. Fingers crossed....
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Post #274618 3rd Sep 2015 8:31 pm
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Member Since: 08 Jul 2014
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United Kingdom 2012 Freelander 2 SD4 HSE Lux Auto Zermatt Silver

Hi Steve

no problems if you have any issues with the system drop me a PM if I can help with anything, also I would spray the CCTV cameras with spider spray I use it on mine it stops the spiders building webs on the cameras, you will find that you need to apply it every six months, you can get it off e-bay.

I don't know with that system you have purchased, if you need to set a static I/P address for it internally on your network. MY 2012 HSE LUX
MY 2010 XS

Post #274649 4th Sep 2015 6:49 am
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