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Member Since: 02 Feb 2008
Location: Leeds
Posts: 170

United Kingdom 2007 Freelander 2 TD4 SE Manual Tambora Flame

Grumpy wrote:
Wonderwheels is great and does not do any damage

oh yes it does.

Sorry but its a fact. Simple chemistry.
Just give it enough time. I'm not knocking it, its great, I use the stuff myself, but repeated use will eventually oxidise the laquer. You probably won't notice as its a gradual effect, I didn't realise for ages. But, compare a wheel thats had this done for 2-3 years to a new one and there will be marked difference in finish. In my case, I looked at the front wheel of my last car, after 4 years of cleaning and there was no sheen left. They were just a dull silver colour. I then looked at the rears whilst still bad they were a lot better than the fronts. Then the penny dropped. I'd oxidised the laquer. An hour with tcut and polish and they were back to their gleaming best. After that I was a lot less enthusiastic with the acid and looked around for an alternative.

If you had a stubborn mark on the bonnet, would you, a) try to polish it off gently or B) blather hydrochloric acid all over it and burn it off? If it was really stubborn (like baked on brake dust or tar), you may switch to something tougher like tcut, but if you used tcut on your bonnet, once clean, would you just leave it or would you put a coat of polish back on when you'd finished? Clearly you'd put a coat of wax on, both to protect it and to stop the next stubbon blob from sticking.
Wheels are no different.
Wheels are simply laquer coated metal, just like your bonnet, but without the basecoat.

I used to go through a bottle of wonder wheels every 2-3 months. Now, the last bottle I bought is so old, its turned white and doesn't work very well - probably gone off. Once you've waxed the wheels (with proper wheel wax, not the thinner bodywork stuff) you just don't need strong cleaners any more. 07 Freelander 2 TD4SE Tambora Flame, side steps, privacy glass, mud flaps, boot liner and a tow bar. Ok it's the Wifes but she lets me drive it occasionally - if I've been good!

Post #21159 29th May 2008 7:51 am
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Member Since: 28 Jun 2007
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United Kingdom 

Thumbs Up

nicely put

Thumbs Up

I would say "its acid, acid eats things including wheels and brand new jeans" Sad Former Mod/Member, with the most post & Chicken George Arch nemesis

Post #21162 29th May 2008 8:29 am
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