Member Since: 22 Mar 2012
Location: Pori
Posts: 15

Imported a LR2 to Finland | |
Hey all!
Just wanted to share my experience bringing my 2010 LR2 to Finland after living 2+ years in the US.
The LR2 has some benefits as there is very little to change on it. The only mandatory thing you must alter is the front parking lights that are yellow, instead of the required white lense.
As a nice side note:
-Asked for a quote for new correct lenses from Metroauto, Finland... 1986€ a piece!!!!!
-Got a quote from a land-rover parts shop in the UK, and shipped to FInland 1724,64£ and is roughly 2200, meaning 1100 a piece delivered...
So The Finnish LR places rob you big time...!!!!
Thus I always use here Offoradpaja!!!! They can also reset your US settings to Finnish ones for a very reasonable price.
The above parking light issue can be fixed also by drilling a small hole in the top section of your front fog lights and mounting a small 4w bulb there and using the existing park light wiring (unplugging them from original spot).
If any Finn needs help about importing one, I will do my best to answer.
I have not yet received final tax amounts. It will be a close one, but should be safe. -Will update once I know.
Oh, and also as a very important after note!!!!
DO NOT spend 150€ to get a certificate showing emissions if you have the I6 engine!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you do not give this, annual taxes will be based on mass of car. The engine combined emissions are something like 170 and mass is 2505kg, so it is cheaper for you to just let them go by car mass!!!!
Will update more once I have had my morning coffee etc.
16th Aug 2012 5:25 am |